Welcome to TSR Economics Society. As usual for a society I will be keeping a members list here in this post by updating it regularly. I invite everyone to post economics related problems here so that our members might be able to help you out.
If anyone knows any link where there are important economics news, e-zines, past papers and markschemes post them here. I will review them and add them to this post.
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Book List Alevel 1. Economics (3rd Edition) - Alain Anderton 2. Economics (5th Edition) - John Sloman 3. Applied Economics (10th Edition) - Alan Griffiths and Stuart Wall 4. Economics Explained (3rd Edition) - Peter Maunders, Danny Myers, Nancy Wall and Roger LeRoy Miller
Some useful links regarding a level economics (by me ):
The following links have been contributed by Austrian Guy 1. http://www.globalissues.org/ - Global issues that have important impacts on the economies around the world
The following links have been contributed by Invicta
Please show your gratitude to the person who provided you links (if they helped you in your studies). You can give him or her positive rep (click on the scale looking thing on the top right of every post, and select I approve and proceed).
Well this one is ours, for A-level and below. I am adding you sim90 .
I personally never visit the university forum, so I wanted to have something like this here. Besides many people post problems in this forum, and the replies are lost as time passes ( I have some among them as well). This shouldnt happen. The hard work of the people shouldnt be wasted. The answers will all be under one roof. Join the society! I assure you that I will try my best to keep this running and help out people as much I can.
The AEA isn't as hard as people make out, definitely worth a go The revisionguru.co.uk site is run by my school's head of Economics, thought it looked familiar!
Like it says, it shows you through diagrams, making it very easy to understand. You can basically teach yourself from this book, and it covers all exam boards (I think)