The Student Room Group

Not feeling ready for a boyfriend

Ok, so I'm 18 years old and I've never had a boyfriend. There's always been guys I've liked, and i've kissed quite a few, but that's always been as far as it's gone. But I just feel like some kind of loser because I'm one of the only people I know my age who's never had a boyfriend. Even my two sisters who are younger than me have boyfriends and I feel really immature and left out. I'm not bad looking, but I've always been quite shy. I know plenty of guys who have liked me in the past, but I've always backed off before anything really happened. I'm the kind of person who has to get to know a guy really well before I can trust them so maybe that's why I don't really feel comfortable with the whole dating scene. Part of me really wants a boyfriend, so why am I like this? I don't know if I have commitment/trust issues or something, but I just feel stupid and need reassuring that this is normal!
Reply 1
Ok, so I'm 18 years old and I've never had a boyfriend. There's always been guys I've liked, and i've kissed quite a few, but that's always been as far as it's gone. But I just feel like some kind of loser because I'm one of the only people I know my age who's never had a boyfriend. Even my two sisters who are younger than me have boyfriends and I feel really immature and left out. I'm not bad looking, but I've always been quite shy. I know plenty of guys who have liked me in the past, but I've always backed off before anything really happened. I'm the kind of person who has to get to know a guy really well before I can trust them so maybe that's why I don't really feel comfortable with the whole dating scene. Part of me really wants a boyfriend, so why am I like this? I don't know if I have commitment/trust issues or something, but I just feel stupid and need reassuring that this is normal!

when i was 18 i had never kissed a guy and i am nice looking latin girl, just cos i never liked anyone. i had crushes on people but it never developed fully
what exactly do you mean? if you kiss a guy on a regular basis he is your bf. if he and you kiss other people, the lack of commitment means you are not exclusive. if its the lack of dating, i think most people dont do that until uni at least, as you see your bf everday at school.
Reply 2
when i was 18 i had never kissed a guy and i am nice looking latin girl, just cos i never liked anyone. i had crushes on people but it never developed fully
what exactly do you mean? if you kiss a guy on a regular basis he is your bf. if he and you kiss other people, the lack of commitment means you are not exclusive. if its the lack of dating, i think most people dont do that until uni at least, as you see your bf everday at school.

no, I mean I've kissed quite a few guys, some being people I've known, others from clubs and stuff (When I say quite a few, I don't mean that many. Less than most people!). But I've never actually had a relationship. If that makes sense?
Reply 3
You're not the only one - i'm 18 and have also never had a boyfriend. It's not cos i don't want one though, it's cos the guys i always seem to get involved with never want a relationship. So it never goes very far. :frown:
Reply 4
ur story is identical to mine but i found my mr right and everything has changed very recently dont worry just go with the flow and it will all happen in good time
Reply 5
Don't worry OP. I ha dmy first Boyf when I was 18 and its fine - everyone else was going out and I felt so left out. it will happen.
Reply 6
its you that matters, you should try to avoid the pressure from other peoples experiences and follow your own path and feelings. 18 is still very young! People seem to forget that and dont feel pressured into anything
Reply 7
I'm 18 and I'm going out with my first serious boyfriend. I had a few so-called boyfriends when I was younger, but they weren't proper relationships, just messing around with school friends to fit in really. It's better to wait until you feel like you really can have a proper relationship before entering into one, at whatever age you feel ready.
Yeh I'm the same except I'm only 16 and never dated...or kissed anyone. It's a bit wierd coz most of friends have now but oh well... I guess everything will just fall into place oneday.
Reply 9
As everyone has said, that's fine! Immaturity would be having a boyfriend just cos you thought it was what you were meant to do, but you're being sensible. Probability-wise it's pretty likely you won't have found someone you like at 18, the reason people seem to have boyfriends is because they aren't picky enough (in my experience anyway). Just wait and see what happens.

Reply 10
i am 17 and have never had a girlfriend (serious girlfriend that is) although i have kissed and kinda had girls as really good friends when i was back at primary and i was like 1 of those guys that is really popular, sporty, attractive and still gets good grades - since grammr school however my appearances have gone downhill due to spots and obviously this affects your popularity and so no gf's in the last like 9 years
Reply 11
id say theres nothing wrong with it.
i didnt get my first boyfriend and my first kiss till i was 17.
i thought i was weird cos of that.
but its will happen in time if you want it too.