The Student Room Group

MI6 + "first class university"?

Did what many people told me to do and i wrote to the secret intelligence service about job prospects and received the following:

"If you want to become an Intelligence Officer you will normally have gained or be expected to gain a good university honours degree from a first class university"

What exactly do you think they mean by a "first class university"?-


how far do you think they would go down?

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top 10 on the times university guide?

are you sure that's what they said? I thought it would be be the opposite now, as what they are trying to emphasise now, is that they are trying to employ more people from different backgrounds. That's why on the mi6 website none of the 'profiles' were oxbridge recruited.

Anyway, how did you contact them?!?! (Unless you wrote to them, still I thought they wouldn't of replied to you even if you did)
also no offense, but why is your writing so spackered?
Reply 3
also no offense, but why is your writing so spackered?

Reply 4
also no offense, but why is your writing so spackered?

I presume he doesn't want everyone doing a google search (including M16 themselves) to throw up his thread.
I presume he doesn't want everyone doing a google search (including M16 themselves) to throw up his thread.

oh yeah good point- genius!!
Reply 6
oh yeah good point- genius!!

Someone noticed. :cool:
but why type 'intellig@nce ' then type 'intelligence'???
Reply 8
theres no such thing as MI6, its called SIS!!
Reply 9
"Top class university" doesn't necessarily exclude "different backgrounds"
theres no such thing as MI6, its called SIS!!

you're an idiot then, seeing their website contains mi6 in:
Reply 11
I presume he doesn't want everyone doing a google search (including M16 themselves) to throw up his thread.

Am I the only person who hopes that MI6 are competant enough to handle such simple "encoding"? :rolleyes: :biggrin:

I sure hope Osama isn't fooling them all by operating out of ww/ :eek:

I sure hope Osama isn't fooling them all by operating out of ww/ :eek:

hhahahahaa :p: nice one
Reply 13
yes i wrote to them, ive written several correspondance and get personal replies.

I use the spacing to stop googling
Reply 14
why though?
why though?

yeah, because other people who are going to post on this thread aren't all going to write in spacker language
Reply 16

So i hope someone googles this.

"sally imperial female secret intelligence service"
Reply 17
for christs sake- i was asking for advice, do you want to give it or do you want to **** off?
Reply 18
They do seem to be taking the piss somewhat don't they? Not really sure what they mean by first class uni...Russell Group + the few "good" unis that aren't in it? I have a feeling that if they said "first class" though they may mean less than the 20 or so in the russell group. Maybe top 10? but then who decides what the top 10 are? Oxbridge, Warwick, lse, imperial, ucl plus a few others maybe. It really was rather vague, so maybe you should write to them again asking what they mean specifically. Good luck 007.
Reply 19
temper temper.