The Student Room Group

How much does Warwick care about GCSEs?

I'm just wondering if anyone has a clue about whether Warwick counts GCSE grades as very important?

I'm applying for History and Politics deferred entry and after being rejected by Durham I'm getting kind of worried that Warwick will reject me as its my first choice. I've got a good personal statment and reference but my GCSEs aren't great, I got 2A*s 3As 4Bs 1C and I'm predicted AA and A/B with the A/B being in history. I'm pretty sure these are the things that counted against me for Durham but will it be the same for Warwick?
Reply 1
Well I applied for Maths with 1 A* 6A's 5B's and a C and got an offer....
Whatever help that is...
Reply 2
I applied for a course with a typical offer of AABb (which they gave me) with only 5 GCSEs... (4 A*s and 1B) so I don't suppose they're that fussy. I was living abroad when I took them however so maybe mine was a special case. I can't see your grades being a problem though, they're pretty good. My brother was in my position and also only had 5 GCSEs - A*AABD and got an offer for history - he got an A for GCSE history so they don't necessarily want an A*, I think he was only predicted a B for A level history too, and he was rejected by Durham as well (I think they're just a bit arsey up north) so don't worry, you're in with a chance!
Reply 3
if its any help I was rejected for Durham but still got into Warwick
Reply 4
Evidently not a lot (assuming the other factors are sufficiently good enough):

I got an offer to study Maths there and my GCSEs were:
B Maths
6C: Double Science, Double English, RE, Resistant Materials
3D: History, Spanish, Systems & Control.
Thx TOMX for your info, i thought i wouldnt get an offer from them ...

at GCSE I only have :

A-Levels : AABDd (spanish, maths, physics, economics+business, chemistry AS)

Applying for MechEng with Business
Already got unconditionals from:
Reply 6
Yeah I don't think GCSEs matter that much overall. belle 27 should be fine anyway. I reckon it's all random anyway. haha