The Student Room Group
If you feel kissing him was stupid and you shouldn't have let it get to that stage, can we assume that you don't want to get back with him?

If that is the case, meeting up with him is fine as long as your clear with him from the start that no matter what happened in the heat of a drunken moment at a party, you won't get back with him.
Reply 2
I'd be inclined to suggest that he's an ex for a reason, but given that I don't know the ins and outs of your relationship with him, I can't really suggest what to do..
Reply 3
We didn't feel the same way for each other, we talked about it and said we'd call it quits before one of us got hurt. It was strange seeing him again, did I feel anything for him? No, not in that way. I should probably text him back and tell him nothing can go furthur, it was a stupid mistake.
Reply 4
I think that's very sensible.
Reply 5
We didn't feel the same way for each other
Can I ask..was it that you were into him and he wasn't into you. Or vice versa and he was more keen than you?

If you didn't feel anything for him then tell him that you don't have feelings for him any more. It was a kiss at a party and you weren't expecting it so it's not like you've misled him or need to feel bad at all.