The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Just be thankful you have plenty of things going on in your life to occupy yourself :smile:

You can't change people's characters for them - they clearly have "issues" that they need to sort out between themselves.

Remember: you have plenty of "virtual parents" on TSR to guide you :biggrin:
Ah...well at least they behaved themselves in the ceremony..

Sorry to hear that, friend of mine has the same problem and he always has to choose which parent to invite because they just don't get along. Sad really.
my parents piss me off incesently - they just tell me what to do at university and i am like what if i want to decide that for myself but now i a confused ecause i dont know if i really want to do the other course i have applied for just to piss them off or because i actually enjoy it
Reply 4
im bored so i'm bringing up OLD OLD threads from 2 years back :frown:
Reply 5
I'm bored too.
My dad's dead so I can't invite him to my graduation. That being said, I would think my parents would behave themselves at an important time like that.