The Student Room Group

Destructive habits

I've got some really annoying little habits that I can't stop doing, and they're really starting to do my head in. The main issue is they're all really destructive, and I'm a bit worried that some of them are gonna have consequences!

The main one is smoking, but that one doesn't bother me so much because there are other cases of it so I can identify, the others are all stupid.

I also have a very bad habit of picking at little spots on my body - like on my legs or chest, and I can't stop doing it. After I've done it I feel really bad because my legs/chest are really red, but then I go and do it again without thinking. This one worries me the most, because I'm afraid that if my skin's all blotchy if I end up with skin cancer or something I won't know til it's too late.

Another is biting my nails, which I did as a child but have started doing again, and I can't stop. My fingers are really sore coz I've bitten off the skin around them as well.

Does anyone else do this? I feel like a freak, I don't know anyone else who has all these little habits and can't stop doing them. Or am I just overdramatising?
I have lots - the worst of which is hitting my head when I get angry at myself, or picking at my scalp until it bleeds (yeah yeah, its gross huh?).

Do you think yours are anxiety induced habits?
Reply 2
I'm not sure... I do have anxiety issues at times, but they're mostly in my head, not physical if you knwo what I mean?

Most of these things I do unconsciously, or just randomly - I don't really think they're related to anxiety.

To be honest I do a lot of those things you mentoned, and not entirely due to anxiety but sometimes that is the reason. Like you said they're just habits and it feels bizarrely 'nice' to pick at scabs or be physically destructive in small ways towards your body. I'm sure if you went to see a doc about this the first thing the would ask you is; are you stressed?

*shrugs* I don't think you're a freak though, more people than you think do this to themselves. :biggrin: