The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Reply 2
I usually try to get it out the healthy way, by going for a long (the more stressed i am the longer) walk or run.

One of my friends resorts to techniques such as punching / kicking walls (not healthy - i'd recommend a punchbag instead), and another gets over it by playing online games!

A final way to get rid of stress is to talk about it - either with friends or on TSR!! ]

Remember - the only way to completely remove stress is to remove the cause.
Reply 3
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break things
Reply 5
Definitely the gym.
Meditate or try yoga
Reply 7
Best Strategies Already Outlined Include Sport like Squash, football, cricket etc Or Weight Lifting and Cardio Gym Exercises !

Other Strategies Play PS2 Games Mainly Fight Games like Mortal Kombat or Boxing or watever Helps Really Does ! :biggrin:
Reply 8
i tried screaming into a pillow but it aint working :mad: im jus so pissed off. any good ideas for calming down?
Reply 9
smash a glass bottle against a wall and find the nearest chav...
Reply 10
Just not let things get on top of you!
Easier said than done!

Exercise or just punch that pillow to death are my suggestions.
Reply 12
i tried screaming into a pillow but it aint working :mad: im jus so pissed off. any good ideas for calming down?

Using a punch bag
Playing fighting games
Deep breaths and counting from 1 to 10
if you can sing, then sing at the top of your voice!! although you can never rid stress completely, i sure cant! x
Definitely running or going to the gym.
A long walk.
A vigorous game of squash, or masturbation - but never both at the same time.
Yeah masturbation and squash works well, or buy a dog?
or buy a dog?

I hope that's not in lieu of masturbation. :eek:
eat chocolate! always works...