The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I think it can be classed as OCD but I'm not sure...
Reply 2
An Obsessive compulsive disorder is a mental thing. Maybe you are slightly obsessive compulsive but checking the plugs isn't such a bad thing, just don't let it get any worse.
Reply 3
just don't let it get any worse

can it turn into other compusive things then? i dont want to end up a wreak tho does it happen on its own??
i also cheak the doors and stuff are locked alot and also don;t like people going into my room when i am in another room it makes me feel vunerable!!

even though the most important thing in the house (the biggest mirror) is in my room!! so everyone uses it lol :eek:
i also feel vunerable when people i have never spoken to (like in shops) look at me or touch me and i feel as though i am open to strangers and they know everything about me,
even though i am happier now, its still anooying!!

im just a head case lol!! :biggrin:
Reply 4
I've done similar things... you'll grow out of it, don't worry!
Reply 5
maybe it is just a force of habit but have started to notice now!!


I understand the feeling you get when others go into your room - I get that too. I hate when people go through my belongings or even touch my bag. I think it's because when I was younger, my brother used to go through my room and find things that were a little strange....or he used to read my diary in which I wrote that I was a lesbian at the age of 8 :redface: So...I do get a little tetchy, but it's understandable!

You sound very much like my brother - he *has* to check the locks on his car and the front door. He has to make sure windows are closed and that taps are tightly shut. Don't keep on thinking about this and work yourself up into a sweat - it's just going to get worse that way. Stop being paranoid that you have OCD or anything like that.
Reply 7
sounds like it oculd be a type of's all very well saying don't let it get any worse but it's completely out of the persons control- i had it really bad but it's SO much better now- i found the BEST was to combat it was to get someone REALLY close to me to set me you cna only check your straighteners twice and gradually reduce it- when someone points out that it's not really neccessary (i know you know it's not REALLY) then you kindof twig that you're being daft! don't worry and don't think that you're crazy because you're not- i used to wash my hands constantly after i touched ANYTHING- bloody nightmare- but much better now- the OCD has resided itself in hair picking....weird but hey!

good luck :smile:
Reply 8
How long has it been occuring for ! & Have u been under undue stress or worry when it has occured or maybe even undue fear !

Is it first occurance in life !

A lot of factors need to be considered before a diagnosis/label of OCD is given :biggrin: !

Could be Transient due to factors !
try being firm with yourself, you know you have unplugged it so don't let yourself go back and check. just walk out the door and think of something else :tongue: x