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Reply 1
Does anyone have any info on this as it seems likely that I will have a interview this weekend.

Reply 2

Does anyone know what they ask you in an interview at B&Q?



Well i work at B&Q for a part time job in at the weekends.
At my interview we first had a group interview (I think it depends how many people are applying) in which we had to do tasks like think of stuff which B&Q sell for every letter of the alphabet.
Then whoever did well in their group work were told to stay back for an individual interview. They asked about what you were doing(eg studying), what you can bring to B&Q?, What knowledge you have on certain areas of B&Q(eg gardening, powertools, decorating, building,etc), any DIY jobs you have done in the past, what hours you can work, etc.

Hope it helps!
Reply 3
Thanks, it gives me a better idea of what to expect. I don't think I have a group interview but I think I have to have a individual interview but I will find out this weekend.

Thanks Again
I work at B&Q too, I only had one interview, I don't know what kind of post you're applying for, my experience was for checkouts, its different for other departments. My interview was with the Checkout Supervisor (well, one of them) who was really friendly, its a standardised interview unfortunately I can't remember much of it, it was very scenario-based, things like "Think of a time you have had to work as part of a team," and then there would be follow-up questions on the scenario you brough up, other ones I remember are "Think of a complex decision you have had to make" and "Think of a time you were involved in some DIY" (Try and think of something other than, 'i helped decorate my bedroom, apparently 90% of people say that). I think there's stuff about 'what is good customer service' etc. aswell.
Reply 5
Thanks, Its checkouts I'm applying for. I now have an interview on tuesday but at least I am better prepared now.
Reply 6
just be confident
checkouts suck it soooo boring working on them x
Reply 8
My interview was pretty straightforward, I had two actually, one with the Showrooms Manager and one with the Service Manager which I think was just a formality. They have set questions to ask but I seem to remember just being asked what experience I had and why I wanted to work for B&Q etc, standard stuff.

There are worse jobs. The people I work with are nice enough and at least I'm not sitting in front of a monitor (most of the time anyway). The pay isn't great though (£5.44 for Level 1) and depending on where you're working you can get a lot of customer complaints (although to be fair, the reason for a lot of these is being addressed over the next few months).
Reply 9
just wondeing how did you ask or apply for a job? i dont want to ask at the desk in case im fobbed off, can i call the manager?
Reply 10
There's a central recruitment website/phone number. I applied on the website and they get in touch if any vacancies come up nearby to you. It wouldn't do any hard to give your closest store a phone and ask to speak to the HR Admin though, they'll be able to tell you what they have available and the best way to apply.
Reply 11
just wondering what was the exact website??? i went to the main one and i cant find the vacancies one, i work there too on checkouts its ok i gues if ur not working 6days a week like i do the interview was just a few questions and that was it but i know if u apply for service squad or showrooms they send u out to talk to people on shopfllor and staff as part of the interview am glad i didnt have to do that- its a great company to work for well my store is !!!
Reply 13
ok just applied.... really silly question, whats the uniform? do they provide it all or just like a fleece/top etc?
hello fellow b&q applicants! i used the online application form the other (thought it was quite good actually) and got a phonecall today asking me to go for an interview. really excited because it's the furthest i've ever got with a job application hehe (ok so i've only applied for like 2 jobs up until now...)

do you know if and how b&q normally advertise part time jobs? it's just i'm wondering if i'll be up against many other people because i guess i was just lucky applying at the right time.

thanks for any help x
Reply 15
Does anyone know what the pay is like for over 18 year olds? And does anyone know if you have to have experience? Ive tried to get a job there before and they said I had to be 18 and over which I am now :smile:
5.44 an hour x
There are a few jobs going for weekends in my local B&Q, they're for the garden dept and the building dept. Do they tend to take 18 yr olds on?
How did you lot apply?
What jobs can you actually do at a B&Q apart from checkout work? Can't imagine they'd let us carry planks of wood around and stuff.
There is.. checkouts... service squad which is like on shopfloor being there for customers at all times...shopfloor.... expert roles such as plumber/electrion/decor. Showrooms....Admin.....recieving....warehouse.... garden center nightcrew thats alll the jobs we have in our store we are a mini warehouse larger warehouse stores im sure have more......... i applied online..... and attended an interview... we only have one seventeen year eighteen and about three nineteen two twenty a coupld of twenty two years olds etct hen rest is 30 upwards xxxxxxx