The Student Room Group
Reply 1
have you visited the campuses?
Reply 2
Best place to be a student = Portsmouth. What's your course? Reading generally is held in higher esteem but some courses at Portsmouth are well regarded.
Reply 3
the course is european studies with italian. im think i will probably end up at reading. it seems like a nice place.
Go to the respective subforums on TSR and ask people who go to both unis. If the courses are practically the same then I wholeheartedly recommend Pompey!! It'a a great place for students to be 'cos you get the best of pretty much everything :biggrin:
Reply 5
GO TO READING! YOU'LL LOVE IT-plus its home to me , cant be bad. if you need anymore info on reading you can feel free to pm me
Reply 6
iv had all of my offers back now and reading and portsmouth are my faves. the courses at both unis are just about the same and i need the same amount of points for both of them but i cnt decide between them. which place would be the best place to be a student in?
Reading i say...
Portsmouth don't do Physics...
Reply 7
I wouldnt go to Portsmouth. I think its a bit of a hell hole to be quite honest!!

Never been to Reading but it cant be worse than Skatesmouth...oops...I mean Portsmouth.
Reply 8
Reading has a better reputation, and is higher up the league tables, if that helps. :smile:
Reply 9
I attended Reading and really didn't like, but I knew a few people who attended Portsmouth and absolutely loved it.

That said I would still choose Reading, the fact I didn't enjoy is due to a combination of factors that was down to problems I had, not the university itself. In terms of what it offers students it doesn't excel anywhere (i.e. Oxbridge has higher acadmeic standards, the Manchester univesrities offer better nightlife and so on), but it is not deficient anywhere (it's acedmic standrads are higher than most universities, there is plenty to do at night, etc).

In terms of the town itself (which I know very, very well), like any big town there is crime and there are places not to go (avoid Whitley completely, avoid the Oxford Road at night), but Reading is a fairly affluent town and there are many, many worse places to live in the UK.
Reading has a much better reputation than Portsmouth, and will stand you in much better stead for getting a good job when you graduate. Other than that, Portsmouth is a nice place, but I hear the campus at Reading is meant to be very nice as well. Neither are especially big cities, and so if you want a big night out when you're at Reading, you'll probably have to go to London (or maybe Oxford...?) and if you want a...well...change of scenery...when you're at Portsmouth, Southampton and Bournemouth are your nearest neighbours.

I would much rather live on the south coast than in Reading, and Hampshire in general is a lovely place, but Reading is the better university. Go and visit both, and see what you think.
Reply 11
Reading is probably better academically, but is a bit of a skanky place. My mum wouldnt let me apply! Portsmouth will be more ''studenty'' I reckon, but I've never visited so cant speak fo the town.
Reply 12
I wouldnt go to Portsmouth. I think its a bit of a hell hole to be quite honest!!

Never been to Reading but it cant be worse than Skatesmouth...oops...I mean Portsmouth.

Hehehe :wink:
so if you want a big night out when you're at Reading, you'll probably have to go to London (or maybe Oxford...?).

Heh, Reading's a LOT bigger than Oxford! (Not sure about in terms of nightlife, but the shopping is incomparable!)

I know someone at Portsmouth and she absolutely loves it there. Everyone I know who's visited and applied all got a really good feeling from there too. Reading I think has a better overall reputation, but there was a mixed response about it from people who visited.

But as someone suggested, it's probably better to visit their sub-forums and ask about student life in each.
I wouldnt go to Portsmouth. I think its a bit of a hell hole to be quite honest!!

Never been to Reading but it cant be worse than Skatesmouth...oops...I mean Portsmouth.
Oi! Do you realise that your bitter attitude towards Pompey for getting the scummers relegated is now potentially going to change someone's life (for the worse!!)? :eek: Shameful!

Oh yeah I forgot to mention - if you're into football go to Portsmouth cos their team is better than Reading (and Southampton, too, for that matter! :wink: ).

Oi! Do you realise that your bitter attitude towards Pompey for getting the scummers relegated is now potentially going to change someone's life (for the worse!!)? :eek: Shameful!

Oh yeah I forgot to mention - if you're into football go to Portsmouth cos their team is better than Reading (and Southampton, too, for that matter! :wink: ).


but Reading will probably go up and you might go down next season :smile:
Reply 16
Oi! Do you realise that your bitter attitude towards Pompey for getting the scummers relegated is now potentially going to change someone's life (for the worse!!)? :eek: Shameful!

Oh yeah I forgot to mention - if you're into football go to Portsmouth cos their team is better than Reading (and Southampton, too, for that matter! :wink: ).


Well, I really would hate to see her fall into the wrong hands. Besides your forgetting that he wont be at uni til next October. Dont get the poor girls hopes up - she'll want to follow a premiership team....
Reply 17
Reading has a much better reputation than Portsmouth, and will stand you in much better stead for getting a good job when you graduate. Other than that, Portsmouth is a nice place, but I hear the campus at Reading is meant to be very nice as well. Neither are especially big cities, and so if you want a big night out when you're at Reading, you'll probably have to go to London (or maybe Oxford...?) and if you want a...well...change of scenery...when you're at Portsmouth, Southampton and Bournemouth are your nearest neighbours.

I would much rather live on the south coast than in Reading, and Hampshire in general is a lovely place, but Reading is the better university. Go and visit both, and see what you think.

I'd disagree with you both Portsmouth and Reading are big cities (actually technically Reading's a town, but it's the larest one in the UK). Mnay people don't relaize how big Reading is, it's bigger than Portsmouth, it's bigger than Oxford, it's bigger than Southampton even.

In terms of nightlife Reading cannot compete with the likes of London, Manchester, etc. It's still far from non-existant, people come to Reading for big nights out from quite far afield in the region (in the days of the Matrix people would come down from London, not that was necessarily a good thing).
Reply 18
Reading is probably better academically, but is a bit of a skanky place. My mum wouldnt let me apply! Portsmouth will be more ''studenty'' I reckon, but I've never visited so cant speak fo the town.

I'm not sure I see the wisdom of that, Reading as I said has the same problems thta plgue all big towns, but Portsmouth has all the same problems too and infact has a slightly higher crime rate.
but Reading will probably go up and you might go down next season :smile:
Well actually, we might go down this season! But with Harry at the helm we probably wont.

Southampton were in a much worse position than us this time last season (not just points-wise, but players, SUPPORT, etc) and Harry took it to the final day for them. No I think we have a realistic chance of survival now. But this thread is not for football, so let's end it with that :biggrin: