The Student Room Group

Love vs Lust

Lol, I have officially established the difference between the two - here goes...

LOVE - Tingling in stomach, everything is put on hold in order to see this girl inc mates, work, college... nothing else matters, not so much sex as supposed to just being in each others arms.. cant stop thinking about this person

LUST - No tingling, just want to rip this person's clothes off, don't really care about personality, think about sh*gging them sometimes, but everythings held, mates, work all concentrated on...don't really get that "Special" feeling though.

Which would you rather have?? :tongue:

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Reply 1
:love: for definite xxxxxxxxxx
Reply 2
at this age? lust will do *yawns*
Reply 3
Lol actually that tingling in the stomach is to do with all the blood rushing towards the nether regions when you become sexually aroused. So really it's more like lust :p:

*takes off anthropology hat*

Reply 4
I'll go for a healthy mix of both and die a sinner I guess!
love definately :p:
Reply 6
Reply 7
Lol actually that tingling in the stomach is to do with all the blood rushing towards the nether regions when you become sexually aroused. So really it's more like lust :p:

*takes off anthropology hat*


:eek: Are you serious? I get that tingly feeling when I'm really excited/nervous or when something (something that has nothing to do with either) makes me really happy. I don't think I am sexually aroused in those situations :hmmmm:
Reply 8
:eek: Are you serious? I get that tingly feeling when I'm really excited/nervous or when something (something that has nothing to do with either) makes me really happy. I don't think I am sexually aroused in those situations :hmmmm:

There's only one kind of tingly feeling I know about down there! o_O
Reply 9
I want both.. Lust and Love all together
Reply 10
Icy Ghost
Reply 11
Maybe I've done the poll wrongly. I think it is possible to be in lust with someone but not love them....thus one can concentrate on all the other stuff...the stuff that gets one far in life...exams, study, work, mates.
Reply 12
:eek: Are you serious? I get that tingly feeling when I'm really excited/nervous or when something (something that has nothing to do with either) makes me really happy. I don't think I am sexually aroused in those situations :hmmmm:

Blood also goes to other places, brain, muscles etc etc
It happens in fight and flight aswell :rolleyes:

anyway, love for me, but fat chance finding it in this ****ed up world
oooh both! lol
Reply 14
Lol actually that tingling in the stomach is to do with all the blood rushing towards the nether regions when you become sexually aroused. So really it's more like lust :p:

*takes off anthropology hat*


It's that or just an adrenaline rush. It's nothing to do with being in love really.

It varies from person to person - to me Tim Kabel's definition of "love" just sounds like obsession. I did that when I was 13; if I found myself sacrificing all my social life, my work and my friends for someone, I'd start questioning my sanity. If they loved me, they'd know that that's a part of my life and something that still has to carry on. I agree that it's not just about the sex, but it's not necessarily just obsessive spending-every-minute-of-your-time with them. That's what I thought it was when I was younger, I know better now and I like this version better :smile:

Reply 15
Adrenaline rush makes sense to me :smile: Thanks, medic :wink:
Reply 16
I go for love
till now its like 28 for love and 4 for lust
You go people :tsr:
Reply 17
Love, but both if possible.
Love, obviously.

I always think of lust as just really fancying someone, and you'd have that too when you love someone.
Love is like lust, but better because there's extra niceness involved.

so love, yeah.