The Student Room Group

being sick when drinking

this is my 1st post and i searched through the forums but could not find the answer.

so here’s my question:

when i go out drinking no matter what i eat or drink before i will be sick which does get embarrassing so i just wondered if anyone had any cures for being able to keep the booze down instead of bringing it back up before the night ends?

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Reply 1
drink less?

sounds obvious... cos it is.
Reply 2
Yep, drinking less is the only answer. Just go easy on the booze, nobody will notice and if they do, well it sounds childish, but are they really the kind of people you want to be drinking with?
Reply 3
I agree, drink less. Getting rat arsed is fun n' all but I'd rather not be sick.
Reply 4
i do drink fast so i will try slowing down how much i drink.

does eating different foods effect it or is there a wives tail of stuff that won't make me sick?
Reply 5
Eating certainly has an effect. If you make sure you have plenty to eat before you drink, or even better if you eat whilst you are drinking, then it will take more time and alcohol to get you drunk than if you haven't eaten, but I really don't think any particular type of food makes a difference.

Do you ever smoke whilst you are drinking because I find that makes a massive difference for me. If I smoke, even just a bit, then I'm guaranteed to be sick, if I don't then I can usually get away with it.
Reply 6
that's thing about old wive's tales: they tend to be just that. sometimes the most obvious solution is the best, sorry mate. You said yourself that you were sick regardless of what you ate, so obviously that doesn't make any difference to your body.
Reply 7
Makesure you do eat something though, else you'll feel like you want to be sick, but you'll have nothing to throw up!
Don't mix...don't drink red wine until you are an accustomed drinker. Your body will gradually build up a tolerance. Too much drink kills your liver anyway! Just take it slowly. If you drink from cans, no one can notice how much you have drunk. This is a good trick if you are under pressure to drink as you can throw away a half empty can etc. But this is really quite shallow and indictaes poor friendship group! You should never be pushed into doing something you don't want to do and drinking is one of them!
Reply 9
My brother has this same problem, but he doesnt consider it so. Just considers it part and parcel of a night out. I worry about his molars... A weird thing for an older brother to worry about I know but I'm a bit weird (and I little inebriated, only a little)
I find that if you drink milk before you go out the fats in it line your tummy and less alcohol is absorbed there so it doesnt upset your tummy and your less likely to be sick
Eat something before you go out, drink less when you're out, don't mix your drinks, drink slowly, try and drink some water or a few soft drinks while you're out. When you get back sip some water before you go to bed, make sure you take some to bed with you, but don't gulp it down that also makes you sick!
Reply 12
Are you always sick regardless of what it is you've been drinking? I've found it depends what it is I'm drinking. If I drink Stella, I can guarentee I'll be sick- even if I've only had a pint... so I don't drink that now, obviously. If I drink anything else I'm totally fine.
get stoned instead.

Reply 14
get stoned instead.



To origional poster...
Dont mix, dont just breath your drinks in, so-to-speak: Drink them slowly. Drink less,

Or take MBs idea :smile:
you are obviously just drinking too much for your system!!! please don't tell me you are even sick if you only have 2 pints?
unless you are allergic to alcohol i think this can be the only reason.
people have different tolerances, so even if you drink the same amount as your friends, for example, they might be able to tolerate it more than you. don't try and keep up with anyone else- drinking should be fun not a race...
you should drink more slowly and stop drinking as soon as you start to feel drunk, move onto water or another soft drink, until the last drink you had has managed to soak into your bloodstream. then if you still feel ok have another drink.....and definitely stop drinking altogether as soon as you start to feel queasy.
it's all about knowing your own limits. and remember the drink you have in your hand doesn't hit you untill 5-15 minutes after you drank it. control yourself, slow down and learn to drink properly, then hopefully you wont vom.
Reply 17
i throw up if im stoned ^o)
Why do people treat drinks like they're going extinct. I don't get the whole drinking till your sick thing. Doesn't make any sense. If people just slowed down....spaced their drinks out then it wouldn't suddenly catch up with them. People seem to leave their brains at home when they go drinking!
eww.... red wine makes me sick when ive been drinking... even if its only a couple of glasses... there was a big article on the science of hangovers in the Times2 a few weeks ago... they said to drink milk before you go out... can't remember what it does... but it should help :s-smilie: