The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Icy Ghost
Is it "Play-toah" or "Plar-toah"?
The first one! I think, anyway, examine yourself, or you wont be worth living or summink
Reply 2
When you say "Play-toah" you're saying it like "Play-tow" aren't you? Cos that's how I've always been saying it...
Reply 3
s'like playdough
Reply 4
'Play-tow' is how I've always pronounced it!
Reply 5
It's "playdough" only if you're a Yank!

Although I remember someone saying it like plateau once.. hehe
Reply 6
not literally playdough! I mean the same pronounciation.

It is NOT play-tow!! how weird does that sound
Reply 7
The original greek is Πλατω, ending with an omega rather than a short omicron, so it was originally pronounced something like 'Plah-toah'. However, nowadays we would pronounce it 'Play-toah' and any other variation (when speaking English) would sound odd.
Reply 8
cool thanks guys :cool:
Reply 9
Yeah, I say Play-tow too...
Reply 11
Pla - toe.

How do I close this thread.

The original greek is ?????, ending with an omega rather than a short omicron, so it was originally pronounced something like 'Plah-toah'. However, nowadays we would pronounce it 'Play-toah' and any other variation (when speaking English) would sound odd.

The original Greek had an N (or a nu :smile:) on the end - Platon (sorry, can't do Greek letters on here!), but yeah, it had an omega, so it would be Play-toe in English (actually Plat-own if you're going to be really sad and follow the probable original pronunciation exactly, which no-one does!).

So basically Play-toe, yeah. Sorry, that didn't really add anything, except a nu, I was just feeling pedantic as usual. :smile:
Reply 13
Are you kidding? His name was Play-Town? :rofl:
Reply 14
Icy Ghost
Is it "Play-toah" or "Plar-toah"?

Its Play-toe
Reply 15
V.P. Keys
Pla - toe.

How do I close this thread.


You don't, and it's not yours to close anyway.

Playdough with a t instead of a d :biggrin: Or like a dinner plate with an o on the end. :smile:
Reply 16
You don't, and it's not yours to close anyway.

Playdough with a t instead of a d :biggrin: Or like a dinner plate with an o on the end. :smile:

:p: Playdough, childhood memorys that one :p:
Reply 17
ooooh fine since you want this thread closed, I'll close it :smile:

Thank you aaaaalllll (echo).....