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Reply 1
Are you nervous about it when it comes to it? It really does help to be relax. Just breathe normally and go for it is what I do.

Lilettes do a tampon with lubricant, maybe look into that?
Have you tried applicator tampons? they're the easiest, I think. It does take a couple of goes though, to get the hang of it - try not to get too frustrated! It'll come eventually! :smile: x
Reply 3
Remember you need to angle the tampon towards the small of your back - don't just shove. As it were.
Reply 4
Yes, angling it right should help. This used to happn to me, I couldnt do it for the life of me, but then one day it just sort of, happened. I dont really know why.
Reply 5
I cant seem to be able to do it!!! :frown:

i dont know why? the closest was about three quarters of the way in but it took me ages and it was on the heaviest day of my period,

can anyone relate/ tell me how to do this thing?


I've never been able to use a tampon. Just regular pads is way more comfortable. I volunteered at an emergency room and one time this woman came in b/c her tampon we WAY up there and she couldn't even sit down right or get it out. Kinda traumatized my experience with it altogether... too much info I know :rolleyes:
Reply 6
What type/absorbancy are you trying? First time I tried was with one of those super ones - impossible, I swear. Try the Tampax Pearl ones or something. They're tiny.
Reply 7
I've never been able to use a tampon. Just regular pads is way more comfortable. I volunteered at an emergency room and one time this woman came in b/c her tampon we WAY up there and she couldn't even sit down right or get it out. Kinda traumatized my experience with it altogether... too much info I know :rolleyes:

woah! how??...I mean........HOW? ouchies.
Reply 8
As well as the angling try kind of squatting when putting it in (or if you're sitting on the toilet you're sorted) as it helps you automatically sort out the angle I find...
Reply 9
You say it was the heaviest day, so were you trying to use SUPER the first time? Don't. That is silly. When you are first having a go use a 'lite' abosbancy one because they are smaller. Then once you get more confident use larger ones.
Definitely use an applicator one to start with. And as kavanne said, use the lightest one possible as it's smaller and therfore easy to get in! I know everyone says aim towards your lower back but as long as you make sure you go slowly, you can find the right angle for it to go in just by doing it.
Reply 11
This thread is SICK.
Reply 12
:rolleyes: dont be so pathetic
This thread is SICK.

Why are guys so freaked out by periods? :p: You mention it and they tell you to stop! :rolleyes:
Reply 14
Its not the period thing, its just..I dunno how to explain it, just nasty really.
Reply 15
The small ones are not necessarily lighter when it comes to absorbing. Tampax Mini (pink) and Tampax Regular (yellow) have the same, err, power, but the Minis are for girls who've never had anything up there.

Use the ones with applicators. They're the ones I always get and yesterday I accidently shoved it out of the applicator and then tried to put it in without but it was impossible. It didn't slip in easily and actually hurt so just threw it away. :rolleyes: Applicators are the way to go.
Reply 16
I cant seem to be able to do it!!! :frown:

i dont know why? the closest was about three quarters of the way in
but it took me ages and it was on the heaviest day of my period,

can anyone relate/ tell me how to do this thing?


Hahaha, shame.

Are you sure you've got it right; are you a girl?

Maybe you've got it stuck up the wrong end?
sorry to be graphic, but what i did was use my finger first, id never been 'up there' and this foreign object seemed so daunting and hurt, i felt so much more comfortable with my finger..also you can feel slopes and if you dont mind trying that id recommend it, get a feel for angles and stuff..then put a tampon in the same way

i know it sounds weird but i was in the same situation as you....and it was a last resort which worked!
Reply 18
sorry to be graphic, but what i did was use my finger first, id never been 'up there' and this foreign object seemed so daunting and hurt, i felt so much more comfortable with my finger..also you can feel slopes and if you dont mind trying that id recommend it, get a feel for angles and stuff..then put a tampon in the same way

i know it sounds weird but i was in the same situation as you....and it was a last resort which worked!
That is one reason I use applicators - no need to get blood on your fingers!
And also I know what it feels like up there but inserting a tampon without applicator did NOT work anyway. :confused:
I've used both applicator and non-applicator ones and I find it harder with applicator ones weirdly enough!