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Reply 1
"common people" lol - wtf does that actually mean?! since coming to uni ive heard so many people use it. It's bizarrrre!
Reply 2
A scally is basically a chav isn't it. Before the word 'chav' became sort of nation wide over here they were known as scallies -- that is people in tracksuits, burberry etc.
Reply 3
Their like the same scallies you get everywhere. Only perhaps more orange.
Reply 4
Random bit of trivia, but "Chav" was first coined in Cheltenham, used to describe the Cheltenham Average! Thus, being specific to Cheltenham and not nationwide :wink:
Scallies: think Lacoste tracksuits in shiny colours, shaved head (on boys), ridiculous fake tan (*mainly* on the girls), and bleach blonde hair (girls).
Reply 6
Scallies: think Lacoste tracksuits in shiny colours, shaved head (on boys), ridiculous fake tan (*mainly* on the girls), and bleach blonde hair (girls).

Some of the girls actually aren't that bad though. :confused:
Reply 7
Their like the same scallies you get everywhere. Only perhaps more orange.
Exactly... even some of the boys are orange which is quite strange. The thing is for all the stick Liverpool gets about Scalls I've been to places that are far far worse (and I live in Kirkby :eek: )
Reply 8
Not to forget Rockport Boots!
Reply 9
i miss the liverpool scallies when im at uni. you do get them all over the country, but there's just something so unique, in a glowing orange kind of way, about them...
i got carjacked by 5 scallies with a crowbar last month.
i managed to get away, thank god. (car door is dented wherer they kicked it tho) :frown:

i used to be very accepting, i go to college with many.

but now i think scallies are scum, the true underclass of society.
Reply 11
I got egged when walking to Tescos :biggrin:
Some wear caps with the peak pointing up in the air. Lacoste tracksuits defintiely! sovereigns - hate them! Rockports, Black duffle coats with the hoods- over tracksuits.
Reply 13
work in a shoe shop in liverpool and am constantly serving scallies. so funny when yr out, they are always the ones in fake armarni t shirts tucked into their jeans, drinking wkd with their hands in their pockets. usually some dodgy jewellery they got from argos too. and believe me, even the men use sunbeds. the girls tend to look tangoed and wear as little as possible. when will they learn that going out wearing JUST a jumper is not acceptible!
Reply 14
i miss the liverpool scallies when im at uni. you do get them all over the country, but there's just something so unique, in a glowing orange kind of way, about them...

Yes, ive noticed that, the scallies at home just arent the same. they do annoy me when they set of fireworks though, as they are quite loud and the first time they did it, i thought it may have been a small bomb.
Jyst a hint of prejudice in this thread.

Not every scal that wears a trackie is scum.

There's loads of sound ones in Liverpool, it just tends to be that 90% of ***** are scals so they get the bad reputation.
Reply 16
Jyst a hint of prejudice in this thread.

Not every scal that wears a trackie is scum.

There's loads of sound ones in Liverpool, it just tends to be that 90% of ***** are scals so they get the bad reputation.

Theres a couple of chavs on my course, and theyre actually really cool. the worst ones are the alkies ones that hang around outside bargain booze and harass you for money. i saw the owrst thing the other day though, i went into a newsagent on london road, which is run by asian people, and there were people stood outside shouting really horrible, violent racist abuse at the people working in the shop. at first i thought it was just kids, but then i got closer and realised that most of them were kids, but one of them was old enough to be their father! the people working in the shop just laughed at them though!
Theres a couple of chavs on my course, and theyre actually really cool. the worst ones are the alkies ones that hang around outside bargain booze and harass you for money. i saw the owrst thing the other day though, i went into a newsagent on london road, which is run by asian people, and there were people stood outside shouting really horrible, violent racist abuse at the people working in the shop. at first i thought it was just kids, but then i got closer and realised that most of them were kids, but one of them was old enough to be their father! the people working in the shop just laughed at them though!

Not surprised they laughed at them.

If I was asian and some little ****wit started shouting abuse at me I wouldn't take offence. Just idiots, best ignored.
Reply 18
I was on a bus with friends down Smithdown when a trio of scallies/chavs/pikeys came along and threw their fat 13yr bodies around. The lead one (who looked 2 years older than the others) liked my nike shoes and kept asking to trade mine with his. Most of the time I ignored them.

They are best ignored however loud and abusive. The bus driver stopped the bus and looked round to them and yelled "oi you shut the f*** up or you can f***ing walk" (he let them on free in the first place). That put them in their place

Oh and a friend and I had a half drunk can of something thrown at us on a street. Scum. Sub-human scum.
Reply 19
chav is just short for cheltenham average....
just in case you never knew