The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
For students it menas virtualy nothing. Imperial will be able to award its own degrees but that won't affect either of us except that when we graduate we would we have the choice of an Imperial degree or a UoL degree. Imperial students could lose access to the UoL academic and social facilities doesn't seem to be a major loss - Imperial's academic facilities are the best in London for science/engineering as far as I know and London has enough social facilities as it is!

There is another thread about it with more informed opinions here and another
Reply 2
ohhh thanks! :smile:
i dont think it makes much of a difference... at the end of the day, ur studying a the same institute....
Reply 4
yeah but... the clubs of UoL and the social events that they do together... we will be alone and lost in a big city!!! :bawling: :p:
i'm sure they'll try to make up for it... besides... maybe its not going to be a complete breakaway.... perhaps they'll still share some of the perks like library facilities and dinners.... maybe dunno tho....
Reply 6
who knows? :p: but a fact is still a fact :p: la la la I'm happy today!!! Yesterday I was sucumbed (sp?) in my worse depression :p:
shame... at least now ur happy... might as well make the most of it... :smile:
Reply 8
yeah but... the clubs of UoL and the social events that they do together... we will be alone and lost in a big city!!! :bawling: :p:

They're trying to negotiate sharing of accommodation, sports clubs etc... whether they actually succeed is another issue.

As for whether we'd be all alone, to be honest Imperial has always been a bit of an outsider in ULU compared with the likes of KCL, UCL et al, so imo i dont think it'd make much of a difference. However remember Imperial is a very important institution with lots of clout, so we won't be forgotten! We may need to join the NUS or something, but we can hold our own too!
Reply 9
well they have formed the IDEA group! :smile:
Reply 10
There are negotiations to keep Imperial in ULU.
Reply 11
altho there are those gay places that don't recognise Imperial cards as student cards, and therefore refuse to let you have student discounts and so on.

Not many I know, but they do exist.
Reply 12
altho there are those gay places that don't recognise Imperial cards as student cards, and therefore refuse to let you have student discounts and so on.

Not many I know, but they do exist.

Dont use gay as an insult! :mad: Although I know it's of common use in the UK so it's ok :smile:
Reply 13
sorry mate, i have friends who tell me exactly the same thing!

another friend of mine deliberately uses the word 'lesbian' instead of gay :p:
Reply 14
HMV have stopped accepting Imperial Cards :frown:
Reply 15
sorry mate, i have friends who tell me exactly the same thing!

another friend of mine deliberately uses the word 'lesbian' instead of gay :p:

Personally I don't see a problem with it. After all language changes. Gay originally meany happy, then meant homosexual and now also means 'crap'. Sure the latter meaning might have its roots in homophobia, but it has become commonly used just for meaning 'crap' and seems a little overreactive to get upset about it if you ask me.
Reply 16
Tom H
HMV have stopped accepting Imperial Cards :frown:

NO!!!!!!!!!! :bawling: Should have applied to UCL instead :p:


Tom H
Personally I don't see a problem with it. After all language changes. Gay originally meany happy, then meant homosexual and now also means 'crap'. Sure the latter meaning might have its roots in homophobia, but it has become commonly used just for meaning 'crap' and seems a little overreactive to get upset about it if you ask me.

Well... in Spain we use "mariconadas" as and adjective of "maricón" which is the bad way of calling a gay man :p: and it means stupid things... meanless things... in French gai means happy :smile:

I didnt get upset lol!!! I had a friend at school that everytime he used it he immediatly looked at me and he said sorry... and well I havent got any problem on people knowing I'm gay but... it's like... he made it SO obvious in front of people I didnt even know... and I just told him that it's ok... I know he doesnt try to offend me using it! lol!

But when I see it written ... I dont know... it's different :p: The guys at Imperial Queers are not good looking :bawling:
Reply 17
The guys at Imperial Queers are not good looking :bawling:

But the IQ crowd do know how to party and know all the best gay places in London. So make sure you don't upset them :wink:
Reply 18
Not going to happen, the NUS is regarded as an irrelevance. I for one would campaign vigorously against any rejoining: it's a waste of money and totally unrepresentative, especially of the typical ICL student.

I think ICU fails to represent us and therefore we need to affiliate ourselves with a larger union, so that us students can actually have a voice. ICU always lags behind and isnt taken seriously. True the NUS has problems, but imo its the lesser of several evils.

Tom H
HMV have stopped accepting Imperial Cards :frown:

And discounts is a major thing. I dont care if beer at Beit union is 10p cheaper or woteva it is... i want discounts at places I actually use lol :p:! ICU always say they're negotiating with companies so that they accept or id cards. Well to be honest since they very cleverly stopped dishing out separate union cards and ULU cards, its really hard to get ur security id card accepted anywhere!
Reply 19
I think ICU fails to represent us and therefore we need to affiliate ourselves with a larger union, so that us students can actually have a voice. ICU always lags behind and isnt taken seriously. True the NUS has problems, but imo its the lesser of several evils.

And discounts is a major thing. I dont care if beer at Beit union is 10p cheaper or woteva it is... i want discounts at places I actually use lol :p:! ICU always say they're negotiating with companies so that they accept or id cards. Well to be honest since they very cleverly stopped dishing out separate union cards and ULU cards, its really hard to get ur security id card accepted anywhere!
NUS are pretty rubbish though. the only benefit i feel i'd get from being in NUS is the discounts...

ICU is crap in many ways (esp if you have to deal with them on a day to day basis), but that's independent from the shortcomings of NUS, so I would say that that isn't a reason for us to not be a member of ICU. the Union does offer us alot more advantages than if we were just an NUS member. all the IC societies are alot closer, and for all the money problems we get, there is an INCREDIBLY wide range of societies for you to join, which is unrivalled by pretty much any other british uni that I know.