The Student Room Group
I prefer applicator, but they only normally do them light flow so I have to use both.
Reply 2
I prefer non-applicator, as I find the ones with applicators don't normally go up far enough anywayso you have to push them
Non-applicator, because it feels like such a waste of card. Besides, they don't make it much easier.

But my mooncup is better than both :p:
Reply 4
Yes, that's what I prefer, but that's also how you spell it...
Reply 5
I prefer non-applicator.
Yes, that's what I prefer, but that's also how you spell it...

:rofl: I was thinking that but didn't want to say! :p:

I voted applicator, much easier. Especially the Tampax Compak, the plastic ones...they slide better than the cardboard ones.
Reply 7
I've never tried non-applicator but i dont think i could do it :-\ applicator ones are so easy.

and they do them for all flow types whoever said they dont usually do them for heavier flows...
tampax compak is the way forward :biggrin:
I've never tried non-applicator but i dont think i could do it :-\ applicator ones are so easy.

and they do them for all flow types whoever said they dont usually do them for heavier flows...
tampax compak is the way forward :biggrin:

Looks like a sweet!!! I always think of that stupid Tampax advert where the dumbass teacher asks the girl to share the sweets with the rest of the class!
Reply 9
Non applicator..they are a bit smaller to carry around in your bag and I don't get why pushing a tampon in is a laborious enough task to require an applicator anyway!

1) Smaller
2) Less watse
3) See no point for an applicator??
Applicator - keeps your fingers clean. That's the point in an applicator! :smile:
Reply 12
I prefer applicater. they keep your fingers clean, they insert soo much easier and the first time I ever used Tampons I tried non applicator's and I gave myself cystitis because I didn't know where it was supposed to go! Lol, I was, like, 13...So that put me off ever using them again...but I started using Applicator Tampon's a few months back and they're sooo much comfortabler than pads. Ew. :redface:
they keep your fingers cleanSurely washing your hands after going to the toilet does that too??

Sorry by LMAO at the comments of not knowing where it goes. There are really only 2 holes down there that you can fit a tampon into. The one at the back is fairly easy to rule out isn't it?
Reply 14
Surely washing your hands after going to the toilet does that too??

Sorry by LMAO at the comments of not knowing where it goes. There are really only 2 holes down there that you can fit a tampon into. The one at the back is fairly easy to rule out isn't it?

But that's not nice if you're in a public/shared loo because I get worried people would notice. It's kind of gross.
And when you're that young, it can be tough.
Reply 15
eww i hate dirty on my hands and blood, rank so i have to say applicator
easier to fit in my pocket (not a pun), and less bad for the environment.
just wash your hands after. you should anyway.
Reply 17
non applicator- easy to use, they fit in your purse and use less packaging. although, granted, i've never actually used an applicator one properly.
Applicator - I don't trust my fingers to push it into the right place/far up enough or whatever. I get squeamish and my hands are nearly always cold. Brrrrrrrrrr....
applicator, but mooncups are the way forward - don't know how I lived without mine!