The Student Room Group

Have Become a little Chubby

Since I've been at uni I've put on a bit of weight - not much, only like 5lb or so. But it bothers me!! I have been 7 st 10lb for at least a year, and sudddenly I have put on 5lb in 3 months. Now, we're coming up to christmas, and I'm going to get chubbier.
I feel fat, my stomach feels flabby - I know, I KNOW I'm over-reacting, but I want to do something about it!!
Anybody got any idea of how I can get back down to my normal weight - its hardly much? Is swimming a good idea? I really enjoy it and live like 5 mins from the uni pool.
Any other ideas? Foods to knock out of the diet over christmas?
Thanks guys.

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Reply 1
Stop drinking
I really don't drink very much - but that is a good practical idea :biggrin: thanks
Reply 3
You might find you put ON weight as you swim however, as you will build up muscle and muscle weighs more than fat.
Reply 4
swimming is terrible for losing weight unless you can realistically stick to doing it for the long term, regularly. Try self control - ie only eating when you are hungry, and not when you are bored ( says the guy who just streamed through two 10 packs of rockys :biggrin: )
Yeah thats a good idea, I eat a lot when I'm bored. I need to stop eating so many puddings - literally!!! And I reckon I would go swimming at least once a week for a term - I live 5 mins away and do music, so I really have like no lectures. And its only like £2 for ages.
Clubbing, ay? That does sound like a good idea :biggrin: i don't really drink either, so I can definitely see your point!!
Argh I hate feeling fat *pouts* it sucks.

Edit: also, I would like a bit more muscle, for example my stomach muscles to become more defined again, and my arms. Would swimming do that?
I really need to watch myself as well! I've put on about 5lbs at uni (even with the walk from Stoke Bishop :wink:) and I'm eating so much now it's the holidays. And I can't get to the gym at the moment because I don't have a holiday membership. Maybe I will go swimming as well in the new year.
Reply 7
swimming is pretty good as your using pretty much all of your body in doing it and it puts no strain on joints so its good for cardio. its also pretty fun but it will NOT put on muscle, well nothing you would notice. swimming will 'tone' you up if you lost the fat which it should help you do.

clubbing would do virtually naff all. you would have to stand there boogying your ass off for hours just to burn off a glass of milk.

like others have said - avoid alcohol totally and restrict your eating. try to get 3 sessions of cardio in a week with just keeping your heart rate up for over 20 mins. also try not to eat before you go to bed.
What are stomach crunches? How do I do them?
Reply 9
sure, it burns off a few calories. maybe hours of it would be about enough to burn off a slice of bread. very very very ineffective method of losing weight though im afraid. it does no more than walking around for a while.


this is a stomach crunch. and with the way that most people perform them they arent very effective.
sure, it burns off a few calories. maybe hours of it would be about enough to burn off a slice of bread. very very very ineffective method of losing weight though im afraid. it does no more than walking around for a while.

agreed.crunches are good for getting a toned stomach if u really work at them but they dont do jack for getting fat off.u may have great abs but they'd be hidden behind fat.its a myth that exercising a particular area removes analogy i always find useful is that chewing gum all day doesnt give you less chubby cheeks :P

i suggest eating the right stuff and cardio stuff eg.running, cycling for getting fat off.
hope that helps
Reply 11
continue eating as you are, assuming you're not eating junk...
increase the increase of sport...
mainly stuff like jogging, sprinting, and other ground based ones where you need to move your whole body from A to B, to X, to Y, and back...
Reply 12
Swimming SO does give you muscles!! But I think only if you swim a LOT. From the age of about 7-14 I used to swim tons, and when I was about 13 I was in the poll at least 8 times a week, probably doing a total of about 14 hours. Now I have lovely* calf muscles and broad shoulders.

*chunky..... :p:
cut down on chips and crisps and chocolates
Reply 14
Swimming SO does give you muscles!! But I think only if you swim a LOT. From the age of about 7-14 I used to swim tons, and when I was about 13 I was in the poll at least 8 times a week, probably doing a total of about 14 hours. Now I have lovely* calf muscles and broad shoulders.

*chunky..... :p:

that was probably just your genetics, swimming wouldnt have played a big role in getting those things. infact, calf muscles are hardly even used in swimming.
Reply 15
I put on a few pounds at uni aswell. I'm going to pick up an excercise dvd in the sales and put it on in my room at uni (because I dont have the motivation to go to the gym or pool) and also use it when I'm bored instead of eating. You can get dancey type ones which are fun.

Or I might rope some friends into doing something like aerobics with me at uni. You could do that and it means your having fun and toning up at the same time. Having people with you gives you more motivation aswell.
Reply 16
swimming is pretty good as your using pretty much all of your body in doing it and it puts no strain on joints so its good for cardio. its also pretty fun but it will NOT put on muscle, well nothing you would notice. swimming will 'tone' you up if you lost the fat which it should help you do.

clubbing would do virtually naff all. you would have to stand there boogying your ass off for hours just to burn off a glass of milk.

like others have said - avoid alcohol totally and restrict your eating. try to get 3 sessions of cardio in a week with just keeping your heart rate up for over 20 mins. also try not to eat before you go to bed.

I agree with all you say there other than that, the body starts to revert to stored fat as the main energy source after about 30 minutes of exercise so... obviously 30mins + is better if they have the time. I would also say a slow release protein such at cottage cheese before bed is better than nothing.

Obviously im thinking as a body builder here trying to maintain muscle mass at the same time, which isn't so much of an issue for most as they can afford to go into negative calorie intake ever so slightly and have no problems with muscle loss, so then 20 mins of cardio still has some effect.
but doing the odd set of crunches would be better for your tummy.

This myth of crunches or stomach exercises making the fat around the area disappear needs to die. It really does.



this is a stomach crunch. and with the way that most people perform them they arent very effective.

You get a better crunch if you get your legs bent at a right angle in the air and control your hip flexors (though how to describe that in text is a bit tricky...)

Crunches develop the muscle but it'll still be hidden under a layer of fat without cardio exercises to remove the fat...


sure, it burns off a few calories. maybe hours of it would be about enough to burn off a slice of bread. very very very ineffective method of losing weight though im afraid. it does no more than walking around for a while.

Not true. Really energetic dancing can get your heart pushing really really hard...
Reply 18
Not true. Really energetic dancing can get your heart pushing really really hard...

we aint talking about doing the tango here. in a club people that dance hardly move. it has minimal effects. going for a walk would do you more good.


You get a better crunch if you get your legs bent at a right angle in the air and control your hip flexors (though how to describe that in text is a bit tricky...)

not entirely true.
Actually, it's the people who can't dance that hardly move.