The Student Room Group

Feel so low :(

Some people may view this as trivial, but there are so many things getting me down at the moment. I feel terrible. I've just literally came in from a night out, what should have been a really good night. And it was... until it comes to leaving time as happens on every night out i go on. Tonight I felt awkward at my friends 18th party, as I'm quite recently single, and my ex boyfriend was there, as was my previous ex boyfriend. (Ive only ever been in two serious relationships and both of the guys were there). My best friends are all in relationships and when im talkin to people i usually feel like I'm tagging along. Throughout the night people always leave to go clubbing. It annoys me cos no one ever stays till the end of a party or even till near the end. People left to go clubbing, including both ex's. My most recent ex, i still feel for and it hurt me that when he was leaving he asked lots of girl mates to go with him apart from me even though we are very close friends now.
Anyway, so it comes to time to leave every party we're at and everyone decides to go clubbing. Everyone gets in except me, as i look young for my age and i know it. Its just so horrible though, i always have to go home when everyone else gets to carry on their night out. ive tried going with them several times and just get asked for ID. I feel like im missing out on things. Im not 18 for ages yet so its not as if i'll be able to join them soon. Also, the fact that im single it gets to me more because i'd really like to get meeting/flirting with some new people.
My ex txt me telling me to txt him when i was leaving the party as he had left a long time earlier. i told him i'd already left and was waiting on a taxi ( as all my friends had left to go clubbing ). He then didnt txt me back, which made me really sad as it made me think he may have wanted to come and meet me if i hadnt already left which i would have liked.
I just feel really down at the moment. Really fed up with the routine of my life. Feeling really down about being single and even more so about not being able to go out with anyone as they all go clubbing.
And to make me feel even worse, my parents went out tonight, and even they arent home just now, they are away to some pubs too. So im stuck in my house all alone knowing my friends, ex's and even my family are all having fun somewhere else.
I just feel really really down about it. And i cant stop thinking about my most recent ex and the fact he doesnt invite me but invites everyone else. I feel terrible :frown: i know you will all think its so trivial, but its been building up so much over a couple of months and just seems to have come to a head tonight what with it being xmas season and all.
Any advice at all is so so so so much appreciated!!
Sorry for moaning.
Reply 1
...I feel terrible...

I can't be bothered to read it, but your thoughts seem to have overflooded you.

These trivial matters need to be put to rest by sleeping over them.
Reply 2
Wow you couldn't make any shorter could you lol!!

Look at it this way, he doesn't know what he's missed out on or it's a way of him getting over you or he's just being plain childish. Whatever the case is you go out there and show him that hey you maybe having a good time and being chilidish but I'm 10 times better than you and I am having a much better time than you and will always have a better time than you! Once you get past that you will be fine :smile:
Reply 3
I agree with Keys, this is a situation which will usually seem better after a nights sleep.
Your feelings are fine thoe, nothing wrong with them, we all get like this if we feel were being left out.
Just lok forward to the fact you can do all these things when your 18 anyway, its not that long till you are is it????
Reply 4
aww hun you aren't moaning i have just been through the same thing,

before i felt like an escape plan and a piggy in the middle and then i just thought to hell with it im going out with them why can;t i have fun as well,
i got really down about it and then i started hanging around with other people, and then they all turned out to be jerks,
my mates lost contact i kept changing my numbers all the time and i thought oh they are off having fun and don;t want me there, not at all my mate has had a tough few months i feel bad for not being there for her!!

but i started to hate everyone, be bitchy about them and be so down on myself, now i am not bothered and if they don;t want to go out with me its their loss,

hun clubbings not exactly the best place to meet desent people, you should mingle at partys get chatting to people, forget about the ones you went with and not ditch them though but have a good time and not have to worry about them!

as for exes im sure its a small world and everything you are bound to bump into them, try and make it so it doesn't bother you it is hard but you can get through it,
meet people who derserve you not drunken losers in a club after one thing and one thing only!!

thats proberly useless advice but i really do hope you feel better about it soon!! ever need anyone to moan at lol PM me!!
Reply 5
And also you're so young to be worrying - just enjoy life and try not to take things seriously :hugs:
Reply 6
I'll try. You're all probably right, i probably do need to sleep it off, but i partly dont wanna go to sleep cos i know im missin out on to much. Does tht sound crazy?! I miss my ex :frown: :frown: Oh, and yeah it is a while till im 18, a year and a month. Its crazy, its my birthday (17th) nxt month and im not even looking forward to it, i know i should be happy bout things like tht but i just wish i could be older. i never want to wish my life away. i just feel so stuck the way i am. Im the youngest of my friends cos im the youngest in my school year. Sometimes i go out with younger friends and i actually have a good time even though they are only 14 or 15, at parties with them cos it seem so much less hassle/pressure and less pressure to go clubbing all throughout the night. Yet my older friends tease me for speaking to younger people. I feel stuck. Im not that close to my younger friends so obviously cant go out with them all the time, but i realise i do have fun just acting young again. Its not the fact that im not 18 tht bothers me, its the fact all my friends pretend they are 18 and act so much older. Why not just act the age you are.
Reply 7
Why not just act the age you are.

Take your own advice there and i think it will help you alot :wink:
Sometimes when people get older they regret growing up to quick, maybe your at risk of doing the same thing????
Try hanging out with your younger friends if you feel it helps.
Reply 8
if they know you feel unconfortable about going clubbing and it gets you down they shouldnt be pressuring you!!
if you have more fun hanging around with younger people then that is your choice they can't slate you for it as it is your life and none should tell you who you can and can't hang out with, the last person who said who i should not and should be mates with got a punch in the face as i hate people telling me what to do!!

but thats immature of me lol!!
do what YOU and ONLY you want to do!!