Since I've been home from uni, I've had itchy eyes, scratchy throat/ears, runny nose, bit of a cough... I rarely get spots, but my chins covered. And then today, its developed into a bit of a rash. I even have spots on my back too, which I never get. I feel really itchy and rubbish. I keep needing the loo way too often.
Any advice on what this could be? It's not severe enough to go to the doctors, I don't feel like death just yet. We have lots of cats and a few dogs which could be the answer, but I babysat last night in a house where they have NO animals - and I was awful. I've banned all animals from my room but I'm not convinced its making much of a difference. I really wish I just had an idea of what might be causing this though... Suggestions from anyone?
p.s. I forgot to add - in the past 18 years, i've never had an allergy to cats/dogs. Horses I get quite bad around more recently mind.