The Student Room Group
how come you have tooth ache if you don't have teeth?
Reply 2
how come you have tooth ache if you don't have teeth?

Nerve endings are in the gum.
so it should be gum ache
Reply 4
I had a couple of teeth removed and tuesday and its still fairly painful, its not unbearable because pain killers dumb the pain but I would have thought by now I should feel no pain.
awww poor AT :hugs: Im not sure, was so long ago that I had my teeth taken out :hugs:
Reply 5
When I had my back teeth taken out a couple of years ago there were still fragments of tooth left in the gum and I had to pry them out with my fingernails (nice). Maybe that's happened to you?
Reply 6
It depends why the individual teeth were removed.
If it's because the pulps (the bit in the centre of the tooth with nerve endings and blood vessels) of either were infected and the prognosis of the tooth was poor, there's a chance that some of the infection could have spread periapically. i.e.: out of the tooth and into the surrounding tissues - "gums". That's what's causing you the pain after extraction.
Alternatively there's a chance that a small root fragment of the tooth has been left behind in its socket (oops!).
Orrrr.. there's a small chance your dentist did some damage to surrounding tissues, in which case the pain might soon subside.

That's from a beginner student dentist's point of view - keep an eye on it for a day or two and if it's still painful without painkillers go n see your dentist ASAP! I know that's not much help on christmas eve, but hey :tongue:
Reply 7
Thanks, if there is a real emergency I only live 2 miles away from a huge dental hospital which is open over Christmas.
Reply 8
When I had my one wisdom out it ached after on and off for weeks.
Reply 9
It seems to be a bit better now anyway, I am taking less and less pain killers for it. I have had two today, on Thursday I needed 8.

Its probably the gums healing.
It seems to be a bit better now anyway, I am taking less and less pain killers for it. I have had two today, on Thursday I needed 8.

Its probably the gums healing.

It is worth keeping an eye on hunny in case you have an infection breeding in your gums.
Having said that I have had two of my wisdom teeth pulled and my jaw line hurt for several weeks after. Bruised bone and muscle tissue this could be what is causng your pain.

Have you tried getting some Anbesol? My sister used it on my niece when she was teething and unlike bonjela you can adminster it continually. I helped my loads and I wasn't filling my body with painkillers. It coms in a 'ickle bottle and is in liquid form. Most big chemists stock it. I am sure Boots will be open till late tonight.
Reply 11
Try clove oil!
It seems to be a bit better now anyway, I am taking less and less pain killers for it. I have had two today, on Thursday I needed 8.

Its probably the gums healing.

Glad to hear it's getting better! Toothache is a right cow, I keep having to get my root canal re-opened and its v. annoying!
Reply 13
When I had my one wisdom out it ached after on and off for weeks.

*groans* thanks for that I am due to have my bottom wisdom teeth out in the new year and I am scared at the prospect as I had an infection not so long ago and that was horrible I am assuming having the teeth out is worse (they are impacted)