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Radiography Interview Help!!

Has anyone had a diagnostic radiography interview? or does anyone know what types of questions they may ask at this interview??
Reply 1
I had my radiotherapy one last yr...

1. Why radiograghy/ therapy?
2. Why would you be good at the job?
3. Why pick you over the other applicants?
4. Why this uni?
5. Where can you see yourself in 10years? (?!?!?!?!)

To be honest they werent as blunt as that, they more like formal chats, with those Q's incorporated in!
Reply 2
I had my radiotherapy one last yr...

1. Why radiograghy/ therapy?
2. Why would you be good at the job?
3. Why pick you over the other applicants?
4. Why this uni?
5. Where can you see yourself in 10years? (?!?!?!?!)

To be honest they werent as blunt as that, they more like formal chats, with those Q's incorporated in!

the questions will be pretty bog standard across the applicants with a few personal-ish questions thrown in.......the list above is good and I would expect them to ask you questions such as "tell us about your work experience", how do you work under stress, blah blah

Try to not to prepare too much as your answers will sound REALLY rehearsed and won't be at all impressive. All you really need to know in advance (which you should know already!) is why radiography, why this uni. Try to remmeber what you wrote on your personal statement as they'll pick things from it that you've mentioned

just don't lie, be honest. If you don't know the answer then say, they will think badly of you if you lie your way out rather than admitting you don't know the answer
Reply 3
Thanks to you both really helpful.
i actually dont thnk i have ever had a formal interview in my life, apart from some part time job but i think it was more a group interview then a 1 to 1.
i just get nervous before interviews but i guess you have to think about how good it would feel afterwards.

im actually hoping to get into st georges Uni but i heard they have a lot of mature students for this course, im not sure does ne one know if this is true???

Wish you both luck in your applications!!!!
Reply 4
Thanks to you both really helpful.
i actually dont thnk i have ever had a formal interview in my life, apart from some part time job but i think it was more a group interview then a 1 to 1.
i just get nervous before interviews but i guess you have to think about how good it would feel afterwards.

im actually hoping to get into st georges Uni but i heard they have a lot of mature students for this course, im not sure does ne one know if this is true???

Wish you both luck in your applications!!!!

They have quite a few mature students yes, but I wouldn't let this oput you off applying! Its a great place to do radiography!
Reply 5
They have quite a few mature students yes, but I wouldn't let this oput you off applying! Its a great place to do radiography!

yeh i guess ur right
i dont want to go all hocus pocus but wen i visted St georges it jus felt like the place i should go to do radiography.
but then again that could have been the free biscuits they were handing out.

My interview is on the 25th of Jan thats jus 1 day after my last exam in jan.. so ill be cutting it close but fingers crossed.
Reply 6
I'll be there on the 25th. I am a mature student, we're not all that bad, well some of us at least!!
My college advisor gave me the following interview tips:
1. Show knowledge of scope and range of radiography
2. Demonstrate communication skills
3. Show you have people skills (care/concern)
4. Show you don't have any prejudices
5. Know a bit about the issues in the NHS
6. What do you think might be difficult with the training?
7. Why Diagnostic or Therapeutic Imaging?
Reply 7
I'll be there on the 25th. I am a mature student, we're not all that bad, well some of us at least!!
My college advisor gave me the following interview tips:
1. Show knowledge of scope and range of radiography
2. Demonstrate communication skills
3. Show you have people skills (care/concern)
4. Show you don't have any prejudices
5. Know a bit about the issues in the NHS
6. What do you think might be difficult with the training?
7. Why Diagnostic or Therapeutic Imaging?

Thanks julesc really helps
so are you currently working as a radiographer or are u still studying? and is it diagnostic or therapeutic? and what do you most like about it? and what does your job involve?

sorry about all the questions its just a good oppurtunity to learn more about the course. id be really gratefull if you could answer the questions for me.
Thanks :smile:
Reply 8
No problem!
I am not a radiographer yet, unfortunately. I am doing an access course in science at the moment because I haven't got the right A levels, but will hopefully start the radiography course proper in sept. I have chosen to apply for diagnostic radiography, as I feel you get more variety of areas in the hospital in which to work, plus you see more patients in an average day. With therapeutic radiography, you are with patients for the long term, as they come back again and again for repeat treatment. Which you choose depends on what sort of person you are. I spent several months work shadowing (1 or 2 days a week) at my local hospital and that made my mind up for me. I got to see all sorts of areas like A&E, Theatres, Wards, Intensive Care. It was definately worth doing, and I think most university courses insist that you have had some experience.
Reply 9
help! I have a radiography interview on the 24 th and I know the questions, but what should I say when they ask why pick this university? why would I pick this course & be good at the course? what did you lot say? someone please help me!
Reply 10
I have my first interview for radiography - feb 22nd and have been told that i must take an exam and i have no idea what to expect - has anybody had to do a written exam yet??? if so could you please fill me in on what its like.
Also, other than the obvious 'why this course, and, why are you interested in radiography' what sort of questions are likely to come up????
please help!!!
Reply 11
I have my first interview for radiography - feb 22nd and have been told that i must take an exam and i have no idea what to expect - has anybody had to do a written exam yet??? if so could you please fill me in on what its like.
Also, other than the obvious 'why this course, and, why are you interested in radiography' what sort of questions are likely to come up????
please help!!!

What uni is this for?

And i've had two interviews this year and they have actually just been general questions like that and a few specific ones like is there an aspect you like best or what qualities did you notice radiographers had on your clinical experience. I think the questions do vary between the unis though.

As for answering the questions I think you have to tell the truth because otherwise it will sound too rehersed and the interviewers will be able to tell. Like for why the uni, there must have been a reason you chose it, like did you like the campus, had you heard good things about it (i said this and got asked like what and where from so make sure you tell the truth), do you know people who go there and just little things like that.
Reply 12
it's for suffollk university - (the strange thing is i've had offers from my other choices being Birmingham, Leeds, City and Bradford without having an interview so i'm wondering whether to expect a letter in a few weeks saying come for an 'informal chat', or whatever it's called).
Anyway, i'm currently revising for the written test that i have to do because i'm not sure what to expect from that part, although i feel a little better now knowing that its just general questions and a few specifics like the ones you mentioned - so thank you :smile:

which uni's have you applied for???
Reply 13
What uni is this for?

And i've had two interviews this year and they have actually just been general questions like that and a few specific ones like is there an aspect you like best or what qualities did you notice radiographers had on your clinical experience. I think the questions do vary between the unis though.

As for answering the questions I think you have to tell the truth because otherwise it will sound too rehersed and the interviewers will be able to tell. Like for why the uni, there must have been a reason you chose it, like did you like the campus, had you heard good things about it (i said this and got asked like what and where from so make sure you tell the truth), do you know people who go there and just little things like that.

it's for suffollk university - (the strange thing is i've had offers from my other choices being Birmingham, Leeds, City and Bradford without having an interview so i'm wondering whether to expect a letter in a few weeks saying come for an 'informal chat', or whatever it's called).
Anyway, i'm currently revising for the written test that i have to do because i'm not sure what to expect from that part, although i feel a little better now knowing that its just general questions and a few specifics like the ones you mentioned - so thank you

which uni's have you applied for???
Reply 14
has anyone taken this written exam? whats all that about?:P
Reply 15
Hey yeah I'm applying for Sheffield Hallam and they said there will be a 2-1 interview, a group interview, a problem solving task and a written task....

Apparently the written task, they don't expect you to know anything specific, it will be a question like why do you want to do radiography, and they just assess your quality of written communication. As for the other tests, they didn't give us that much information.

To be fair though, I don't blame them for bringing in all these tests, most places have <50 places and >500 applicants, and especially this year with the fees going up, there are going to be a lot more applicants, many of which will just be there for a free degree.
Reply 16
I have an interview at St George's next week for diagnostic radiography. Does anyone study there or also have an interview??
Original post by ellbean
I have an interview at St George's next week for diagnostic radiography. Does anyone study there or also have an interview??

Hi! I have my interview for St. George's next week. What sort of questions did they ask you? I'm a bit nervous about it! :frown:
What do you know about radiography
2. What interest you to apply for radiography
3. What will you do if you are not shortlisted.
4. Radiography is basically imaging produced by x-Ray. What do you know about xray production.
5. How do radiographers relates to patients.

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