The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Grab an erect penis, move hand up and down.

Not the most complicated thing in the world to be honest..
Reply 2
Grab an erect penis, move hand up and down.

Not the most complicated thing in the world to be honest..

Much pleases thou.
Reply 3
Hand jobs are pointless, there's nothing a girl can do that the guy can't do ten times better himself. Unless it is just part of sex, and there is kissing and stuff too, in which case, yeah just grab it and do whatever you think he'll like.
Reply 4
Reply 5
ok so this is kinda embarrassing but i just wondered how to give a 'hand job'? technique and stuff?

Id say dont bother and just use your head : )
Reply 6
El Scotto

Id say dont bother and just use your head : )

By which he probably means the 'mouth' part; although, this being TSR, I presume nothing.
Reply 7
Hand jobs are pointless, there's nothing a girl can do that the guy can't do ten times better himself.

i beg to differ... google "tantric lingam massage"
Reply 8
i beg to differ... google "tantric lingam massage"

Omg that was just vile. Especially the bit about the 'sacred spot'. I think I'd just be freaked out if a girl did that to me, it probably feels great though, but yeah the OP should just go for the head option anyday.
Reply 9
i beg to differ... google "tantric lingam massage"

Reply 10
Omg that was just vile. Especially the bit about the 'sacred spot'. I think I'd just be freaked out if a girl did that to me, it probably feels great though, but yeah the OP should just go for the head option anyday.

there's no need to be freaked out. it usually provides quite spectacular results. as the tantric workshop lady on sex and the city said "once they go tantric... they never go back!"
Reply 11
American pie 2. :biggrin:

One thing I've learned is don't stay on the same spot for too long 'cos the friction will hurt.
I think the key to this is what suits both the person on the recieving and giving end. There isn't one correct technique. Different person, different pleasures. Find a comprimise what fits both of you, or maybe change your technique e.g fast to slow, rhythmic to spontaneous. Practice makes perfect, remember! Hope it goes okay.
Reply 13
ok so this is kinda embarrassing but i just wondered how to give a 'hand job'? technique and stuff?

Ask him how he likes it?!

I don't think there is any definitive way to do it. Boys probably like different things. Some might like the head touched, others the shaft.