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Reply 1
the pill and bigger breasts

Are both good things?

Sorry, that wasn't helpful. I have no idea seeing as I'm a guy, but are the two things you mentioned really the right reasons to go on the pill?
I don't know everything about the pill but:

1. its free
2. yes sometimes it can happen, don't think its with everyone, it may be one of the "side effects" (theres a long list) where different people will get different ones, some people wont get any...
3. 2 may only happen as a result of general weight gain due to the pill

someone else will be along at some point to clear up im sure...
Reply 3
My pill didn't make my boobs grow unfortunately. I'm not on the usual one that most people are on though as I get headaches so I had to be given a different type. I think everyone is different though and it is bound to work differently for the individual.
However, I don't think you should go on the pill just to make your boobs bigger if that is what you are thinking, as there are many side effects to the pill, some of which can be dangerous.
Reply 4
In my experience, being on the pill doesnt change breast size. Some people might put on weight though as a side effect (never happened to me either), which might increase breast size.
Microgynon 30 made my breasts swell up something awful! It wasn't just that they'd swollen, they were very tender as well, so if you're thinking of going on the pill on the offchance that they'll make your boobs bigger; be prepared for them to possibly hurt too - not worth it! :smile:
Reply 6
Mine got bigger
in general does being on the pill boost breats? I am also thinking of going on the pill to help my skin. Any particualr variety? How much will it cost-im a student :frown: Obviously gp will know best but i just want some info. thanks.

Theres a variety of the pill called Dianette which is used for treating acne. Its meant to be extremely effective if used over a long period of time, however I had to come off after just a few months because I was getting terrible headaches.I did notice some improvement in my skin when I was on it though...but my boobs stayed the same !
Reply 8
Yeah I also got really moody...might have been one of the reasons me and my boyfriend split up, then when I came off it I felt so much better.
Reply 9
You will get prescribed free of charge contraceptives. I have heard that Dianette is very good for skin but I don't think docs like you using it for more than a couple of years because of...something..maybe a medic can fill you in on that bit!

Microgynon is the standard starter really, it made me put on some weight and my boobs grew but that could just have been puberty continuing as I went on the pill at 14. I've been on Cilest and Marvelon too..both I detested, the latter made me especially moody. Now on Cerzaette (a pop) so I have very minor periods which is kinda good but it makes me feel a bit odd as I'd prefer to be regular. None have had any real effect on my's just always a bit worse around time of the month.
Reply 10
Theres a variety of the pill called Dianette which is used for treating acne. Its meant to be extremely effective if used over a long period of time, however I had to come off after just a few months because I was getting terrible headaches.I did notice some improvement in my skin when I was on it though...but my boobs stayed the same !

I'm on Dianette and I have been for 2 years now. It has made a HUGE improvement on my skin. I never get spots/acne - just 1 or 2 around "lady time" lol.

My boobs have definitley increased in size - I was about a 32 A-B and I'm now a 32D. I haven't put weight on. It hasn't gave me any serious negative side effects, my sex drive is a little 'smaller' than it used to be - but that's easy to sort out. I did get migraines in the first year for about a month - but they stopped. It has also made my periods extremely regular, lighter, less painful and shorter.

I recommend asking for Dianette - it's fantastic.

I have heard that Dianette is very good for skin but I don't think docs like you using it for more than a couple of years because of...something..maybe a medic can fill you in on that bit

It's something to do with it not been licensed 'properly' in the UK and Doc's aren't sure of all the side effects etc.
Reply 11
The pill will make u fat, which will in turn give u bigger breast!!
Reply 12
The Pill didn't make my breasts any bigger, it just changed the way them perkier. And I've actually lost weight since going on the Pill.
It made my boobs increase by a cup size and a half (awkward or what!!) and this made me gain a bit of weight (because they are bigger). I was happy as I had wanted bigger breasts. But it also made my PMS a lot worse and gave me headaches to begin with.
I have put on weight since starting the pill which has also made my breasts grow but I find they are also tender. I do not have a boyfriend but I am sexually active and I used to suffer from terrible period pain. I would not have gone on the pill if I had no reason to and I suggest that unless you need to go on the pill that you dont.
Reply 15
in general does being on the pill boost breats? I am also thinking of going on the pill to help my skin. Any particualr variety? How much will it cost-im a student :frown: Obviously gp will know best but i just want some info. thanks.

Ah so taking the pill for it's sider effects but not for its main purpose ...
Wise words:

'Don't do it!!'

There are plenty more drugs which can attain the desired effects. Go research.
Reply 16

My boobs have definitley increased in size - I was about a 32 A-B and I'm now a 32D.

Jesus *****in Christ!

I'm on Loestrin 20 - no such luck for me I'm afraid. :frown:
The pill made my boobs bigger! Although unfortunately it made me put on weight too! I don't know whether it cleared my skin or whether that was just me growing up though... it's hard to tell these things!
Made mine slightly bigger.

But although the pill does do wonders for your skin (I'm on Mercilon, probably not quite as strong as Dianette as I only had mild acne) it's not worth going on the Pill just for that, unless you've exhausted other options such as Oxytetracline and you're really unhappy with your skin. I get so snappy and emotional around the time of my period it's unreal, but I guess I'd rather have that than my periods every two weeks (which is why I initially went on).

Definitely use it as a last resort though, unless you want it to prevent pregnancy/ regulate periods too.
Reply 19
I've been on Microgynon 30 for about 9 months, and have had no change in boob size or weight what-so-ever! However, my friend has found the opposite. Think it all depends on the person.