The Student Room Group
Reply 1

2800x² = (8nCr2) x 2^6 * k²x²
2800 = 28 * 64 *
= (2800)/(28 * 64) = 25/16
∴ k = 5/4


8nCr3 * 2^5 x (5/4)^3 = 3500

Hope this helps.

Reply 2
12. the coefficient of is the binomial expansion of (2+kx)^8, where k is a positive constant, is 2800.

A) use algebra to calculate the value of k.
B) use your value k to find the coefficient of x^3 in the expansion.

(2+kx)^8 = 2^8 + (8).2^7.(kx) + (28).2^6.(kx)² + (56).2^5.(kx)³ +...

A) (28).2^6.(kx)²
...=> 1792k² = 2800
...=> = 1.5625
...=> k = 1.25

B) (56).2^5.(kx)³
...=> 1792k³ => 1792(1.25)³ = 3500
Reply 3
a) Open up the brackets up to the sequence using the binomial formula in terms of k. Equate that to 2800 and solve accordingly.

b) Using your value of k from part a), use the formula again to calculate the coefficient of x³.

Reply 4
thanks a lot guys :smile: