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Hi, uaually ive seen girls complain about being overweight. well im unahppy with my weight for the opposite reason. i am extremely underweight according to my height. i have tried to put on weight but nothing seems to be happening. what also doesnt help me is that when im worried, stressed or feeling depressed, i cant seem to eat - my body just refuses to take the food in (thats the simplest way to say it). but on the whole i am a generally happy and bubbly person who eats three times a day! my doctor says that i have a high Metabolism!!! im 18 and at university, im studying law which is a very demanding degree and of course you need a healthy mind to manage with the work (healthy body=healthy mind). on top of that i travel to universitym it takes me an hour or more to get to university and the travelling really drains me out.

when looking at me, one wont guess that i am underweight - im petite but i have an alright figure. im really fed up of other girls saying how lucky i am because im thin but its not so great when being thin is unhealthy for you.

if anyone knows of a healthy way to gain weight quickly then please let me know. i would really appreciate that. PLEASE HELP!!!
Reply 1
you need a big surplus in calories and eating more than 3 meals a day sticking to high calorie foods like nuts, oils, chocolate, meat. or you could get a high calorie milkshake powder to help bump your calories up alot.

are you trying to just put on some general weight as in fat or are you looking to bulk up and put on some muscle? whats your current height/weight?
i have the exact same problem as you, and so do a lot of teens.

after EXTENSIVE research, and asking many docs and nutritionists, i came to the conclusion that the best way to overcome this problem is to eat a balanced diet, with slightly more protein, and excersise. apparently the best protein to eat is fish/seafood or egg. but dont go overboard with the eggs....more than one a day can lead to problems later in life. Now if your body dosent need this excess protein/nutrient, its mostly wasted. so WORK OUT. easiest way for a full body exercise is to swim. or if you're a dry land person do drills for each set of muscles. for example 10 times on shoulders, then 10x for calves, .....etc, then repeat the cycle again. dont use very low resistance and do many times, use high resistance (not too high to the point you tear something!!).

calories will just give you diabetes and/or put on fat, plus its unhealthy
Reply 3
calories will just give you diabetes and/or put on fat, plus its unhealthy

what on earth are you talking about? calories are unhealthy? so people dont need energy? they give you diabetes?! and he wants to put on some fat!

and swimming will just burn off yet more calories and make you skinnier
Reply 4
i have the exact same problem as you, and so do a lot of teens.

after EXTENSIVE research, and asking many docs and nutritionists, i came to the conclusion that the best way to overcome this problem is to eat a balanced diet, with slightly more protein, and excersise. apparently the best protein to eat is fish/seafood or egg. but dont go overboard with the eggs....more than one a day can lead to problems later in life. Now if your body dosent need this excess protein/nutrient, its mostly wasted. so WORK OUT. easiest way for a full body exercise is to swim. or if you're a dry land person do drills for each set of muscles. for example 10 times on shoulders, then 10x for calves, .....etc, then repeat the cycle again. dont use very low resistance and do many times, use high resistance (not too high to the point you tear something!!).

calories will just give you diabetes and/or put on fat, plus its unhealthy

Why can you only eat one egg a day?

How is protein wasted if you don't need it?

If the person wants to put on weight, why have you suggested an unchanged diet and more exercise?

How will calories give you diabetes and put on fat, "plus its unhealthy" - how?
i doubt he wants to get fat, i think he meant put on muscle...he referred to girls in the post, doubt he thinks girls like fat blokes:P

swimming burns calories, but you build muscle. you need to make sure u get enough carbs to burn, otherwise by exercising you will lose muscle mass. you need the protein to build muscle.
Reply 6

calories will just give you diabetes and/or put on fat, plus its unhealthy

ROFL !!!!
about the egg thing, i read an article on it somewhere, i'll try to google for it.
ditto with the protein
edit:the article abt eggs was something to do with cholesterol IIRC

unchanged diet, i was trying to say dont just eat as much as you can, it should still be fairly balanced.

a calorie is techically a measure of energy, and high calorie foods like rice, sweet foods, in excess is not good period.


yikes.......sorry was wrong about the diabetes bit, there's more to it than that.....forgot that bit of the article (embarassed)
Reply 8
"a calorie is techically a measure of energy, and high calorie foods like rice, sweet foods, in excess is not good period"

Why not? (Also rice isn't a high calorie food)

What makes you think she a) has a balanced diet already b) eating as much as you can will lead to an unbalanced one? c) what is a balanced diet?
"a calorie is techically a measure of energy, and high calorie foods like rice, sweet foods, in excess is not good period"

Why not? (Also rice isn't a high calorie food)

What makes you think she a) has a balanced diet already b) eating as much as you can will lead to an unbalanced one? c) what is a balanced diet?

you know what, i just realised i was the one who misread the post....
i thought this was a guy :redface:

ok ok i my defense its 434am where i am and im a bit dead :rolleyes:

ok i admit, my bad
Reply 10
Why does that change anything?

Basically, you don't know what you're talking about, so don't just go throwing some incorrect information about, especially when it comes to an issue like peoples health.
Reply 11
I symapathise with you, actually it's more common than you might think. It sounds like you're perfectly healthy, just have a high metabolism like your doctor said. Why do you want to gain weight especially quickly though? Being thin per se isn't bad, unless you take it to an extreme, so try not to worry overmuch.

Don't snack on sugary foods as they release energy very quickly and will still leave you tired. If you want to gain a bit of weight,try eating four meals a day (ie have another meal at about 9/10ish), so you still get a balanced diet, just more food. Be careful about what you're eating - more meat and complex carbohydrates will give you energy more steadily than sugary foods. It's important to make sure you're eating plenty of red meat so your body gets enough iron. Otherwise, you could get anaemic, meaning you feel tired after seemingly little effort. Do you find you get hungry between meals a lot? If you do, you could try carrying around a few (savoury) cereal bars with you, and eating between lectures.

Beware of measures of healthy weights like the BMI though. They're not terribly accurate, and if your doctors isn't concerned, don't worry too much about trying to put on weight. I think you may well find that just changing what you eat will give you more energy to live on.

Hth :smile:
Reply 12
thanx for your advice - there are a lot of things that i will take notice of. im just beginning to get really worried - a lot of girls have this amazing figure and are not really at any risk. i have to do something asap to sort my weight problem out.
Reply 13
thanx for your advice - there are a lot of things that i will take notice of. im just beginning to get really worried - a lot of girls have this amazing figure and are not really at any risk. i have to do something asap to sort my weight problem out.

Why do you assume you're at any risk? Just because your BMI is low, does not mean you're dangerously underweight, you could be perfectly healthy.
If you dont want to eat junk food (although it would increase your weight faster), maybe just try some kind of snacks between meals, e.g. nuts, or a glass of milk before bed and also try to have some more carbohydrates with your meals.
Reply 14
Ask yourself a question ooops!

When you look in the mirror, do you look like you haven't eaten a proper meal in the last month? I suspect the answer is no, in which case, forget about your BMI, forget about whats "supposed" to be healthy and whats not, because its irrelevant in your case.