The Student Room Group
Reply 1
In most countries you will be able to use your existing pharmacy degree, but will have to undertake another pre-reg. Some countries, such as New Zealand or Australia, have short pre-reg sessions (2 months i think) for pharmacists who are already registered in the UK. Others require you to do a whole pre-reg year again.

Which uni are you doing your degree at?
You should be able to practice in EU countries. Australia and NZ are less certain as the UK used to recognise pharmacists who qualified there, but the RPSGB have now decided that their education isn't good enough. So if they decide to do the same thing to us, then you're stuffed.

The USA has an exam (like the pre-reg exam in the UK) that you can take to qualify as a pharmacist there. Canada pays their pharmacists well apparently...
Reply 3
how hard is it to get a job in america as a pharmacist then? becos they are v strict
Reply 4
ya check it out on RPSGB website, there are a lots info about regesteration as a pharmacist outside UK with an UK pharmacy degree.