bio oil is pretty good, as is cocoa butter and vitamin e cream. however these usually only fade the scars slightly.
if your scars are slightly more prominent then there are other home methods to help fade them. microdermabrasion home kits for example, where abrasion is done by little crystals in the cream across the skin on the epidermis (outer layer). its probably the most effective home method of getting rid of acne scars and its perfectly safe to do but it costs a bit. mild chemical peels with alphahydroxy acids like glycolic facial peels are also very effective in getting rid of them.
surgery methods like dermabrasion and laser skin resurfacing work but it usually takes a few goes at it to work costing a few grand a time, which is not worth it in my opinion. i know people who have had it done. acne scars probably dont even look bad and i doubt anybody would notice them. most people get acne although i never did and will probably have some scars. nobodies flawless, infact it'd be scary if someone was.