The Student Room Group

I appear to be allergic to my own cat!

He's nearly 16 years old and we've had him since I was 8! I've never ever had a problem before, I could ruffle my face in his tummy and let him sleep on my pillow and I'd be fine.

I move down to London, come back for Xmas six months later and just stroking him makes my eyes go all waaargh and sore and brings on sneezing fits!

Do allergies appear from nowhere at random times? Or is it a familiarity thing, and if I was here for a week or two it'd wear off?
I don't know whether it could be familiarity but...

My parents have had the same cat since I was 6. I could sleep with him on the bed, roll around with him in the garden, pick him up for cuddles etc then all of a sudden when I was about 14 I developed a terrible allergy to him (and our other cat) which unfortunately has never gone away. I only have to stroke them and my eyes are watering, my face itchy and my nose blocked. The only "cure" I've found is to either have very limited contact with them, including never allowing them in my bedroom, or taking antihistamine tablets once a day for the period I'm at home (Sainsburys/Tesco etc do their own brand for about £1 which work just as well as benadryl and the pricier ones).

Sometimes I just have to give in to him though when he follows me around wondering why I don't pick him up :frown:
Reply 2
I have this - I am quite allergic to other cats but am normally ok with my own. Now I'm back from uni I'm finding my allergy reeeally bad with my own cat as well! For me it is a familiarity thing, I get it when I'm back from holidays etc as well and it has always gone away.

Reply 3
My sister has this. I'm not too fussed-The cats just come in my room for a cuddle now!
it might be house mites/dust mites everyone has them, the only to sort it is to get all hypoallergic duvets and sheets and suchlike
Reply 5
Either shave him till he resembles John Locke's head OR get a new pet.
Reply 6
I'm like that,,I have two cats but I am allergic to one in particular. This seems to happen in summer whenever I pick her up I start sneezing and my eyes hurt a few mins later. I thnk its coz they pick up dust and pollen on thier fur. Antihistamines are effctive in stopping this just make sure u get the non-drowsy ones.
Reply 7
Yes - I randomly became allergic to my guinea pig about 3 or 4 years after I got her :frown:
Reply 8
I have this problem. In the summer I was told by my doctor that I had suddenly developed an allergy to my pets (I've had pets for 10 years). Now I can't go home unless I have my prescribed tablets and nasal spray to hand! Go to the doctor! :smile:
I too am allergic to fur. I've had pets all my life such as cats, rabbits and guinea pigs and it was only when I was about 10 that I started to have allergic reactions when near or touching my guinea pigs. My eyes would itch and run and I'd develop tiny rashes on my skin.

When I was 15 I got a new cat and wasn't allergic to him but after having a more recent cat for 2 and a half years I've started to get reactions to him too. It happened after we'd had him for about a year. I suppose I did get a bit of immunity to him as I only got reactions when I had the cat on my knee or near my face for a longish period of time. Now I have been living away I react to him all the time when I return to my parents house.

I really like my cat and miss having him sleeping on my bed or having him sat on my knee so it really sucks that I'm allergic to him :frown: