Hi, I got braces about one year ago, but I missed a few appointments because of exams and having to re book later on (like 3 months later) beacuse there were few appointments available etc.
Anyway, I thought I'd have braces for no longer than a year because my teeth were straight already, but my mum just said to make sure it's straight straight
I had to have them.
I had tried to play the flute with my braces, but it sounded no way near as good as without them, so I want to wait til they're removed before I carry on with it. The problem is, with the missed appointments, I think it may possibly stay on for up to another year
which I really don't want, plus the braces hardly made any difference to my teeth.
My question is, can I ask for them to be taken off? Or will the dentist just say "No, you have to keep them on." ?
Last time I discussed playing the flute with my dentist and how it obstructs my ability to play at my best standard, but he just said "no-one else has told me that they were having problems, you probably have to get used to it."
So basically, I don't know what to do now. My next appointment is in February and I was wondering if anyone's had this problem or if I could ask him to remove my braces? They hardly made any significant difference to my teeth, and I need to practice the flute soon because I've only passed grade 6 and need to get it higher because applying to uni and stuff... Though my parents don't know I want to apply to music... anyway, I'll stop rambling
Help needed... Thank you