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The ARCOM test, which is a more advanced version of the BARB soldier recruit tests. It is composed of 4 sub-tests and is designed as a measure of general (fluid) intelligence.
A numerical reasoning test designed to measure a candidate’s ability understand and draw inferences from numerical data presented in graphical and tabular form.
A verbal reasoning test designed to measure a candidate’s ability to comprehend and draw inferences from written information.
The command task which is a group outdoor task where each candidate is appointed in turn as the leader. He or she must solve a problem, devise a plan and execute the plan by briefing and directing the team.
A planning project. Candidates are given a written problem, and candidates are required, individually, to undertake a written analysis and derive a plan. The second part of the exercise is a group discussion in which candidates are required to arrive at an agreed group solution to the problem. Finally candidates are individually questioned on aspects of their own plan, which often involves solving time/distance problems under time pressure.
An individual obstacle course is used to measure physical fitness.
A lecturette. The candidate has to prepare a five minute presentation on a topic of their own choice which must be presented to the group.
Last reply 4 months ago
Have I got any chance of getting into the military with my history?8