The Student Room Group
Sorry to sound harsh, but he doesn;t sound like a very nice sort of guy. You should be blunt with him and tell him to decide what he actually wants.
Reply 2
Sorry to sound harsh, but he doesn;t sound like a very nice sort of guy. You should be blunt with him and tell him to decide what he actually wants.

How on Earth can you ascertain that from the original post?

He does sound confused though - either than or he doesn't want to hurt you/is telling you what he thinks you want/need to hear. Talk to him. Communication is the basis of any good relationship!!!
Be like, "Home boy, what's the low down?"
Reply 4
How on Earth can you ascertain that from the original post?

He does sound confused though - either than or he doesn't want to hurt you/is telling you what he thinks you want/need to hear. Talk to him. Communication is the basis of any good relationship!!!

we did talk about that, he said becoz so many things happened to him, his family problems and one of his mates got cancer, he doesn't have that much time to be with me, but he wants a good relationship with me. but that sound like an excuse.
Reply 5
we did talk about that, he said becoz so many things happened to him, his family problems and one of his mates got cancer, he doesn't have that much time to be with me, but he wants a good relationship with me. but that sound like an excuse.

Maybe give the relationship some time? What's the hurry?
Reply 6
V.P. Keys
Maybe give the relationship some time? What's the hurry?

yer, i think u r right. but that's really confuse me if he's seriouse or not. that's y i need some suggestion and opinion from u guys.
Reply 7
Listen to TSR!

I posted a similarish scenario a month ago or so. They said he was a tit - move on. Lo and behold, he was a tit. I've moved on!
Reply 8
He sounds like a manipulative prick.

Hes probably just saying that so he can get his leg over with somebody else, and then come back to you.

Ditch him and move on.
Reply 9
Sounds like he's being hot and cold. Which means either he is doing it on purpose to mess with you or that he's insecure and immature himself. Either way, you'd probably do better leaving him and moving on. Then again, you don't seem too mature yourself from your 'writing'...
Reply 10
He sounds like a manipulative prick.

Hes probably just saying that so he can get his leg over with somebody else, and then come back to you.

Ditch him and move on.

Not the best advice...

OP: Give him time. I think you're worrying too much.
Reply 11
V.P. Keys
Not the best advice...

OP: Give him time. I think you're worrying too much.

I really hate to agree with you, but....

totally agreed!
Reply 12
V.P. Keys
Not the best advice...

OP: Give him time. I think you're worrying too much.

ah you people are too trusting
Reply 13
I really hate to agree with you, but....

totally agreed!

You know it girl! :wink:


ah you people are too trusting

They all hail me. :cool:
Reply 14
ah you people are too trusting

And you must be deeply suspicious and much poorer for it!
Reply 15
And you must be deeply suspicious and much poorer for it!

yep preety much :rolleyes:

its better than being too trusting, people will just **** you about at any chance they get.
Reply 16
yep preety much :rolleyes:

its better than being too trusting, people will just **** you about at any chance they get.

Reply 17

.........but true :rolleyes:
Reply 18
I went out with this boy for about 2 mths now, and we spend x'mas with his family. but the thing is, he told me he doesn't want relationship at moment but doesn't want me to leave either.
on the boxin day, he gave me lift home and said he loves me when he left. I'v no idea what he wants.
what should i do guys?

He wants you to linger around until he can find another broad then cut you loose, if he can't get another girl he'll come back for you. Aint nothing but a G thang, as they say.
Reply 19
Tell him you want a break, for both of your sakes, then when he realises he does really want to be with you, he'll go back to you.