The Student Room Group

Need Advice

My best friend rang me this morning in a bit of a state (not crying but just confused and embarressed). She has told me that she has a crush on her boyfriends dad!!!!!!! To begin with , I didn't know what to say and its been on my mind all day. I don't know what to do, what I should say to her or what I should tell her to do! Any advice would be appriciated. Thanks a lot!!!
Reply 1
Depends how old she is...
Reply 2
V.P. Keys
Depends how old she is...

She is 18
Reply 3
She has told me that she has a crush on her boyfriends dad

Sounds like theres potential for serious consequences. Better ask her why she feels this way, and remind her that she has an obligation to her boyfriend (speaking of which, how long have they been together?).
Reply 4
She's just a kid! I mean how hot can someone's dad be and why can't she just accept that nothing can ever happen between them and move on. I bet she hardly knows him too and he only SEEMS attractive to her because of his age and maturity...FFS girls. So many of you cry for the weirdest things.

I mean do you see me crying because Angelina Jolie won't return my phonecalls? :P
Reply 5
She is 18

I would say; you talk to the dad and advise him to adopt the girl.
Reply 6
Sounds like theres potential for serious consequences. Better ask her why she feels this way, and remind her that she has an obligation to her boyfriend (speaking of which, how long have they been together?).

They've been together for about a year now! I haven't asked her your question but I will consider it.
Reply 7
Thinking about it, it may just be a stupid crush or something that she'll forget about in a week or so.
Reply 8
Thinking about it, it may just be a stupid crush or something that she'll forget about in a week or so.

Hopefully. :rolleyes:
Reply 9
Thinking about it, it may just be a stupid crush or something that she'll forget about in a week or so.

nah you think? :eek:
Reply 10
Need more help PPL!!!!!!!
Reply 11
I started this thread about a week ago and this situation is still going on........I really need more advice! Thanks for everyone's help so far!
Reply 12
She still has the crush then? Stayed loyal to her bf?

You can PM me to discuss this in confidence if you want.