The Student Room Group

Why the weird smell?

Let me run you through a few things-

Im a male and I am twenty. I shower every morning without fail. I wear anti perspirant, deodorant and eau du toilette daily. I am not overweight, therefore do not really sweat more than ordinary.

I wash all my own clothes and use Aerial liquitabs with Lenor conditionor and almost always dry these in a dryer or on a radiator.

Yet I always find that at the end of the day I have a.....musty smell about me :redface:. It ISNT b.o, or anything similar. Its very hard to describe and I wouldnt really say it was a sweaty smell either. It just doesnt make sense.

Anyone care to help?
Reply 1
Seen a doctor?
Reply 2
Seen a doctor?

LOL I hardly think it requires medical attention...
Reply 3
LOL I hardly think it requires medical attention...

Well...I dont honestly know. Better to ask an expert.
Reply 4
do u smoke?
is there any where u go/ or any1 u spend time with regularly that u mite pick up the smell of?
Reply 5
Maybe it's your musk...
Reply 6
Let me run you through a few things-

Im a male and I am twenty. I shower every morning without fail. I wear anti perspirant, deodorant and eau du toilette daily. I am not overweight, therefore do not really sweat more than ordinary.

I wash all my own clothes and use Aerial liquitabs with Lenor conditionor and almost always dry these in a dryer or on a radiator.

Yet I always find that at the end of the day I have a.....musty smell about me :redface:. It ISNT b.o, or anything similar. Its very hard to describe and I wouldnt really say it was a sweaty smell either. It just doesnt make sense.

Anyone care to help?

Ah, the fabled Lynx gene: you lucky bugger.
Reply 7
Maybe you're just sensitive to your own smell, though I thought this was practically impossible. Ask a friend or relative who you know won't take the piss to see if they can detect any unusual scent :smile:
Reply 8
Ur using too much stuff, Anti p and deo 2getha...