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God, I'm glad someone agrees!
I have enjoyed some of the stuff they have done in the past but I'm just watching the xmas special now and it's crap.
Reply 3
It's on in the background for me.

I just don't get it. Yet everyone seems to fawn over them like they're comedic goddesses.
actually, no, I've never met anyone who likes them more than something to have as background telly....
They haven't been funny since their Lord Of The Rings mickey take. That was HILARIOUS. I've no idea what's happened since then!
Reply 5
The xmas spesh is so crap!Argh i cant stand it, theyre so lame..they used to be funny. Saunders was great in Ab Fab though,its gta be said.
Reply 6
Meh, they're alright
Reply 7
I actually think they are....more so than many 'comedians' out there, anyway. And on the subject of funny, did anyone watch "Ready when you are, Mr McGill" last night, late? It might just have been because i was half-asleep really, but it (the second half, all i saw) really cracked me up :biggrin:
Reply 8
:eek: they were great! so great!
Reply 9
I never laugh watching them. I'm just left wondering why it was aired...
Reply 10
I never laugh watching them. I'm just left wondering why it was aired...

never :eek:
not even at Jackie Stallone?
Reply 11

Oooh looks, she keeps saying Jackie. Hilarious. My sides are splitting.

At all.

Especially Dawn French.

Jennifer Saunders is alright. But their sketches together are just... pants.

welcome to 1995! I bloody hate them. I'd rather have my teeth pulled that listen to those two being not funny.
They used to be funny, but they're not fresh any more. Some fo t he sketches were dragged out for far too long.
never :eek:
not even at Jackie Stallone?
That bit was great :biggrin:

In fact I liked the whole show. Not one of their best, but still was a nice surprise to see them on when I was flicking through the channels tonight. I immediately stopped flicking when I saw they were on.
Reply 15
They've declined since LOTR.
Reply 16

Oooh looks, she keeps saying Jackie. Hilarious. My sides are splitting.


it's funny cos it's true
*adds name to list of people who think French & Saunders is crap*
Reply 18
I think they're very funny people, it's just their material lacks any freshness and they take things too far/not far enough. Their comic timing seems to have...slipped.
Reply 19
theyre pretty good - ab fab and vod were both pretty ***en awesome