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Reply 1
lol, naked photos at 15, good work. I reckon its OK, so yeh, **** the law.
Reply 2
if you keep them for yourself, there shouldn't be a major issue, since it is a personal attachment rather than deviancy, but anything else could land you in trouble...
Reply 3
I was with her on and off till I was 18! I just found a box full of stuff at the back of the top of the wardrobe that I forgot about. (she had a good pair of tits on her at 15! :biggrin: - I'm thinking of sending them back to her)
Reply 4
How about posting them here instead?

No, actually, that would be very wrong.
Reply 5
Send them back to her, but make it clear that they're not the only copies! :wink:
Reply 6
I think it's cool if you keep them for yourself.

Would be wrong if you distributed them!
Reply 7
I think you make too many threads on here
What you 'thinking' up next ?
Reply 8
How come u where taking naked pictures at 15???
Reply 9
How come u where taking naked pictures at 15???

Why not? Lol. I'm 16 and I've been with my boyfriend since we were 14 and we take photo's now and then...even video's sometimes. It's a laugh and they stay between us, so :rolleyes:
Reply 10
I think you make too many threads on here
What you 'thinking' up next ?

anonymous means someone who doesnt want to give their identity.
its not all the same person. :rolleyes:
Reply 11
Well yes it's illegal to have that stuff, you were underage, it was legally wrong of you to make it in the first place. However, that's just the opinion of the law. There's no actual harm in you keeping it I suppose just make sure no-one else EVER sees it ever.
Reply 12
The law says you can't take naked pictures of your girlfriend?
The law says you can't take naked pictures of your girlfriend?

If you have pcitures of someone under the age of 18, naked then that is illegal


I think you make too many threads on here
What you 'thinking' up next ?
lmao!! classic :biggrin:
Man you will be in jail man, i done law so destroy those pic
Man you will be in jail man, i done law so destroy those pic
Well lets be honest a lot of things are illegal. And are you sure it's illegal if they are personal photos? My parents have photos of me naked when I was a child.. A friend of mine was doing a project on eating disorders. Whilst looking through photos of kate moss (sociological reasons behind it), he found a topless one of her that was dated nineteen eighty something, when she was 15! This is a professional photoshoot type pic. Easily acquired on the net and obviously legal as on its on a seemingly reputable site.

Anyway what is wrong here? Nothing. If he distributed the pictures in any way, well then yeah that's pretty damn bad.
I mean when the pictures were taken they were both at least physically mature. Even if he (lets be realistic here and not beat around the bush) used them to "fuel the fire" while going solo, I don't see a problem morally. Whatever about the law she obviously was physically of an age where she resembled nothing like a child. Hence a firm no to him being a pedophile.
Also he's seen them before, would it be wrong for him to imagine them too?
If you have pcitures of someone under the age of 18, naked then that is illegal


lmao!! classic :biggrin:

No it's not. If the other party consented to them being taken and as long as the defendant keeps it for personal use. The legal age to have sex is 16, but the law does not convict sexual activities excluding penetration and so as long as no one can prove that they were having sex, there is nothing wrong with it. If he was major then that would pose more problems are he could potentially be convicted of infanticide but even then the risks are so minimal that he shouldn't worry. In addition, they were taken over 5 years ago.
Reply 18
I would remind her you still have them, then if anything were to happen she could say she gave her consent.
Ok I'm gonna play devils advocate here but the above post requires it.

wild thing
No it's not. If the other party consented to them being taken and as long as the defendant keeps it for personal use.
Afaik you cannot consent to things under the age of 16. That's what "the age of consent" means.

wild thing
The legal age to have sex is 16, but the law does not convict sexual activities excluding penetration and so as long as no one can prove that they were having sex, there is nothing wrong with it.
I wouldn't say that! If you couldn't prove a 20 y/o man and a 6y/o girl had sex it doesn't mean there's nothing wrong with it!!! :eek: It just means he got away with it.

wild thing
he could potentially be convicted of infanticide
Killing babies!!!?? Wow, where did that come from?

wild thing
In addition, they were taken over 5 years ago.
The one good point you made... Sexual misconduct must be reported to the police within a year of it happening. However possesion of the pictures is still fairly gray, legally.