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Cambridge uni app. deadline missed, accept late app. ?


I've missed the cambridge uni application deadline of 15 october 2005, for entry into september 2006, if i send a late application (with appologies ofcourse) will it get completely rejected or will there be a chance i could get through to the interview stages etc. and get a place on a course?

This only bugs me because not only is cambridge a good uni, so i read, but its 40 mins drive away, which would be really practical.

Thanks for your help.
Reply 1
cambs deadline is fixed mate as all interviews have been done and decisions to bne sent out over next few days- I think if you want to go you need to apply for 2007 entry
Reply 2
All interviews are finished, there is absolutely no way you will be able to enter in 2006. If you want to apply to cambridge you will have to wait a year.

But tbh you probably need to think harder about why you would want to go to cambridge other than "it's only 40 mins away". Cambridge students are worked really really hard. But you've got a long time to think about all that stuff anyway. You have definitely missed out for this year. Sorry.

edit: this is assuming you are a regular undergraduate and that I actually understand the system. I think graduates can still apply, but not 100% sure.
Reply 3
Ok, thanks for the quick replies.

Reply 4
why did you leave it so late anyway??:smile:
Reply 5
Just take a gap year and apply for 2007 entry.
Suprise suprise a 'deadline' is important.

Sending an application now will mean instant rejection from Oxford or Cambridge.
You do realise that Cambridge is one of the best universities in the world, and has a very hard selection process? So you really shouldn't consider applying there because 'you read it was good' and it's close to your home. :eek:
Also, if you do apply next year, you could get rejected anyway, and would have wasted a year. Unless you really really want to apply there, then I would apply to any of the other uni's this year. At least apply to see how it goes, and if you don't get offers from where you'd like, then give Cambridge a try next year :confused:
It's not even as though the fact the application needs to be in by October 15th is under advertised... even the most cursory glance at either of the uni webpages, prospectuses or even the UCAS site itself will throw it up, a bit like had you applied for medicine... so i am afraid i have little (if any) sympathy
Reply 9
40 minutes away... what a good reason for applying. Cambridge is a "good uni", are you sure about that?? Aren't you thinking of Anglia Polytecnic?
(sarcasm intended)
Reply 10
Just to give you an idea of their timescales:

I applied last year (and narrowly missed the deadline, due to my sixth form head not realising he needed to click the "Send form to UCAS" button after checking my online application and doing my reference) and had the interview in early November (and my school had scheduled the mock interviews for the following day...).

My rejection letter came through on the 31st of December - less than 2 months after my application.

I had an interview at Loughborough 2 weeks after the Cambridge one, and the offer letter didn't come through until late January.
Reply 11
Rouge Oak Ant

I've missed the cambridge uni application deadline of 15 october 2005, for entry into september 2006, if i send a late application (with appologies ofcourse) will it get completely rejected or will there be a chance i could get through to the interview stages etc. and get a place on a course?

This only bugs me because not only is cambridge a good uni, so i read, but its 40 mins drive away, which would be really practical.

Thanks for your help.

have you already been through higher education? if not, you should seriously think about doing some proper research into this university(perhaps ask your school if they'd be willing to help you with this) go on their website , look at the courses- is there one there that you ACTUALLY want to do? saying things like "it's close to home" isn't going to get you a place- competition for this uni is unbelievably high i'm afraid, both for undergrad and postgrad
Reply 12
I don't get it, you live in England, and all you know about Cambridge University is from somethign you've read saying its a ''good uni''?! I don't mean to be harsh, but, well, do you just sit in a box all day or something?

Anyway, yes you have missed the deadline and no you won't be accepted.
Reply 13
I don't get it, you live in England, and all you know about Cambridge University is from somethign you've read saying its a ''good uni''?! I don't mean to be harsh, but, well, do you just sit in a box all day or something?

Reply 14
no offence but is this a joke?
Reply 15
no offence but is this a joke?

I would also like to know the answer to this.
no offence but is this a joke?

Lol, I certainly hope so!