The Student Room Group
Reply 1
asta la vista baby..but don't say I'll be back :wink:
Reply 2
Have you actually tried to talk to him about the way he sees you and how you think he treats you? Why throw away what might be a fantastic relationship if all that is required is communication?
Reply 3
I know it's rubbish but you've just got to come out and say it. Arrange to meet him, be brave and confront him, it's the best way. If he's a control freak I guess he might react very badly to that, so I'm not sure you should go on your own. Maybe have a friend outside waiting to be a shoulder to cry on/escape rope?

I don't have a balanced view of your relationship obviously but I've read a lot of your posts on here and I really think you deserve better.. everyone deserves happiness and someone who respects them! Good luck :smile:
Reply 4
Thanks guys, but it happened just now, as he can't pay me money I need today as he's spent it all. :frown:
Reply 5
Thanks guys, but it happened just now, as he can't pay me money I need today as he's spent it all. :frown:


You're better off out, that's really bad!
Reply 6
You dumped him yet? Get the money back first.
Reply 7
You dumped him yet? Get the money back first.

I'm meeting him next Friday to get it, there's no escape for him as I have a key to his house (and he can't change the locks), and yes we split about half an hour ago :frown:
Reply 8
Aww :hugs: Im sorry to hear that twiga but im sure it was for the best. You deserve happiness and someone who does that to you is not worth it, maybe you just werent right for each other. Im sure you will find someone much better. I hope he co operates in giving the monet back, good luck :smile: