im really depressed about something i need to get off my chest:
i have always felt insecure and self conscious about my looks
and lately ive just come to the conclusion that im butt ugly
ive never been with a girl in my life and my future just doesnt look good
apart from the fact that i think that every girl on earth is far too good for me and wouldnt want to be caught dead with me, i have a brother thats a few years older than me that is sooo much better looking than me
hes more charming,hes got a much better body,hes more confident,etc..
hes a much nicer person than me all round...
the only girl that ive ever been interested in became vaguely interested in me aswell until she met my big brother...
then she was constantly txting him and flirting with him,etc
i dont blame him at all,its not my brothers fault that hes much hotter than me but im just so depressed about all this
id never end up in a relationship where the girl thinks im nicer than my brother,i just dont think its possible at all
he could get almost any girl that he wanted yet hes remained single most of his life which gets all the girls dropping their pants for him
if he was in a stable relationship with someone it wouldnt be as bad
ive lived my whole life so far with people probing me for information about my brother,no one wants to know a thing about me
i just dont know what to do
right now ive just settled with the fact that theres a very very small chance of me every ending up with a girl and that im going to remain jealous and bitter for the rest of my life...
and it doesnt even stop there, most of my friends are way better looking than me too and are all experienced in relationships..
can anyone relate to this? and doesnt it make you so utterly depressed?