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Reply 1
Ooo, thank god I am not the only one. I am awful for it.

I think there is supposed to be a supplement you can take, but am not sure what it is. Will try and find out
Reply 2
same with me mate..think your're just hyperextensible, nothing to worry about and when you get older take glucosamine sulphate but if you're worried see the doc


but i do loads of sport, it won't prevent it mate, if anything you'll hear it a bit more lol
Maybe you need oiling...the Tin Man froze solid when he wasn't oiled and that probably started with his joints clicking and grinding when he moved....

But seriously, isn't something like Cod Liver oil (or some other 'oily' suplement) supposed o help keep joints healthy?
Reply 4
Yess, that's it Cod Liver Oil!
Reply 5
I do that all the time, nearly every joint in my body, i don't mind particularly though. xx
Reply 6
My bones click all the time and i sometimes do it myself because they feel 'tight' ive heard there isnt a link between clicking and arthritus though.
Reply 7
Yeah, my mum (who is a nurse) says that that's just an old wive's tale. If it's not i'm screwed. xx
Reply 8
its perfectly normal but if you were worried about it you could do some stretching and take cod liver oil.
Reply 9
My bones click all the time and i sometimes do it myself because they feel 'tight' ive heard there isnt a link between clicking and arthritus though.

lol same...ppl look at me as if i'm crazy when i say i "need" to click my joints

to the OP - i've also found that sport doesn't reduce clicking
Bad luck, but if you're anything like me it'll be with you for years. My back, neck and shoulders are terrible, though I used to get really loud cracking in my knees when I was about 8 and that's just about stopped. Not much you can do about it...
Reply 11
Nothing to worry about at all (as long as it doesn't hurt). It occurs when you "open" a joint such as bending your knees. This causes the fluid in between your bones to expand, decreasing the pressure in the fluid and forming bubbles in the fluid. When you "close" the joint when you get up, these bubbles pop, giving the clicking sound.
Reply 12
Ahh I love clicking my joints, not only is it satisfying but it really pisses people off!
Reply 13
Exercise. My shoulders sometimes get clicky and tense when I'm stressed (which is pretty much all the time!), going to the gym regularly puts a stop to it.
Reply 14
I take cod liver oil + multi vits and every part of me clicks lol, toes, fingers, arm, everthing with a bone :wink:
sport does nothing, i'm an addict, i warm up/down properly yet i click all the time. I like the sound of the bubbles! Does this apply to making the clicking when you stretch your knuckles as well?
i always click, all the time its terrible. never ever used to when i was younger.... i just started doing it randomly one day lol. I always thought that it leads to arthritus, but not sure tho
Reply 17
I must have a tight fitting skeleton because i've never clicked in my life lol. I wouldn't worry though, its probably just because you're getting old! :p:
Reply 18
I think it's just down to bad habits...i do it myself...
My worst one was in a GCSE exam where my arm got stuck bent where i was writing and I had to throw it out straight in the exam hall to click it. It was so loud!

There's a creaky knee gene in my family too which is nice, mine creaks every step I take coming downstairs at the moment