The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Being nice to people?

Talking to more people?
Reply 2
i am nice to people! im quiet shy how can i open up more?
Reply 3
im shy but im opening up to people more..

do you have a part time job or something like it?

i found that working helped me open up to people more because im around people and i have to talk to them so its helped me with the whole shyness thing :smile:
Reply 4
yeah i have but its with older ppl im the youngest there(im 17 bty) i olny have about 3mates at coll my bf and ,y best m8? and other ppl i know
Reply 5
Have you thought about joining a club or something. Perhaps start a new sport? That may help you too meet some new people. Could you perhaps ask your bf to introduce you too some new people, you could meet some great friends through him. Are you thinking of going to uni, if so you will meet a lot of people there. I think given time and some pure socialising through your bf, best mate you will have some more friends.
Good luck. PM me if you need any more help (if anons can that is)
Reply 6
Hi the thing is my best mate is kinda in the same boat as well, to e honest she only has me as proper friend(minus the ppl she spks to online). I could join a drama group as i like acting but i get so anxious like every1 is looking at me. Whn i get to know ppl i am a quite bubbly person.It's just every know and again i feel so lonely and depressed and feel i hjavent got any1 to turn to.
Reply 7
Hmm, if you like acting i would join the drama club. You will get to meet some new people and your confidence would improve. Regarding people looking at you i know exactly what you mean however people will look at you more if you are nervous than if you try and act normal. However im sure once you have been there for a few sessions and know people no one will look at you at all. Maybe you and your friend could join some sort of club, that way she would meet new people aswell.
Reply 8
don't be shy. if you join this group you won't know people right? therefore if you make a mistake or something, you aren't probably going to see them everyday are you? take the plunge and go for it. be yourself and you will be fine!

and to improve your confidence, don't look at negative sides, look at positive things about yourself! i lacked self-confidence a few years back, but i got a job, did well at school, changed my hair style (doesn't sound much, but BIG difference) and i made new friends and became closer to the ones i knew already.

i don't know your age, but if you are going to uni in a couple of years, it's an instant chance to get to know new people and a fresh start. i know you have to concentrate on the present at the moment, but try and feel happier in yourself and people will sense that confidence and instantly feel you are more welcoming towards new people and new friends.

edit: i have just reread and you have mentioned your age. :smile: oops lol
Reply 9
Yeah ill have to ask her and look into it. Although i dont think she into the whole acting thing so will maybe suggest something else.
Reply 10
Yeah ill have to ask her and look into it. Although i dont think she into the whole acting thing so will maybe suggest something else.

maybe you could go by yourself? if you do go to something together, make sure you don't stand by her side all the time, the point is to interact and if you two just hang around together all the time, it wont work as well. but the other side is that your friend there im guessing will give you extra confidence? just make sure you pair with other people as well as your mate. :smile:
I used to be like you... but uni has been a whole new start to me - it's changed my life and I now know people I could trust with my life, whereas before I kept a certain distance when I got to know people. It might be hard to change now, but once you get to uni your life will really begin :smile:
Reply 12
You could always join another club together if acting isnt her thing and perhaps you join acting on your own. After all it wont hurt.
Reply 13
Yeah suppose, I see wat ppl mean with the whole standing by her side thing it would do us good not to be with each othr all the time. my m8 being there will give me extra confidence as i wont be nervouse etc, but like i want more friends at college and stuff i just seem to hang around with the same ppl