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Reply 1
Depends, some people would see it as cheating, others wouldnt.

Ask your bf/gf
erm, not sure, as said above some people would consider it cheating n others not. Was the bf/gf there at the time?
Depends how long this basically kissing whilst doing it last i suppose and if your bf/gf was playing too.
no it isn't
Reply 5
You can play the game without shoving your tongue in someones mouth... So, did you? It yup, then it's probably cheating...
Reply 6
It's not cheating, just a bit of harmless fun
Reply 7
you can pass food without kissing...

agree with fluffy - if u embraced a kiss then yes.
Reply 8
As everyone's said it really does depend. If it's all quite innocent :p: well as innocent as a game like that can be, then no it's not cheating. However if someone's just basically kissing rather than playing a game then it's cheating.
Reply 9
Ok.. I'll rephrase the question.

My boyfriend went on a snowboarding holiday with the uni club a couple of weeks ago, we have a very trusting relationship and have been going out for 10 months. I got a text saying that he had done the above and that he felt guilty and that he was sorry. I'm not really sure whether to be annoyed at it or not. No, i wasn't there at the time. Based on things I've done in the past, if I did that outside of a relationship i would class it as cheating. However I wasn't that bothered when I got the text for various reasons (main one being I prepared myself for such a thing as I had a feeling he might have done something).

Here is the full story of what he said to me after he got back:
"basically the game was called 'pass the meat', mark put a bit of raw meat in his mouth chewed once and passed it to Jo by kissing her, cos ur not allowed to use your hands so jo turned round and passed it to me, again by basically kissing me, i then had to give it to charlie, which i managed without kissing him, just. really gross game"

I don't know any of the people he mentioned. What do you think?
if you were attracted to the person you did it with, and wanted to do it for that reason, then yes.
Reply 11
But i'm not sure if he's attracted to her or not or whether he wanted to do it or not. I wasn't there, I only have his word for what happened.
hmmm like i said depends on his feelings for 'jo' and 'charlie' (sure charlies a he? could be short for charlotte..)
Reply 13
what do i think? i think that is probably the grossest game i've ever heard.
Reply 14
But i'm not sure if he's attracted to her or not or whether he wanted to do it or not. I wasn't there, I only have his word for what happened.

If your annoyed about it tell him, otherwise it will just eat you up from the inside :rolleyes:
I think it seems quite innocent. At least he told u about it and apoligised. :redface:
Reply 16
Well if you trust him then don't worry about it. I don't think he's cheated on you and at least he's upfront and told you about it before you hear another version which might worry you.
Reply 17
its not cheating but i wouldnt particulaly want my boyfriend to do it. it depends on a lot of long it lasted, did everyone else do it too? is your partner attracted to them? etc. if everyone was doing it then i wouldnt be too pissed off but if i thought my bf was playing it in a flirty way, then i would.
maybe innocent, but kinda gross and a wee bit immature :rolleyes:
Reply 19
who the hell invented THAT game? At least use chocolate or marshmallows or something.

I'd say go with your gut instinct on this one. If you don't feel that annoyed, then let it go - don't create annoyance just for the sake of getting angry. He did apologise and feel bad about it. However, if you do find yourself holding a grudge, you might want to talk to him about it and let him make it up to you, because otherwise it's going to keep getting to you.