The Student Room Group

Awkward situation

Right I've managed to find myself in the middle of a very awkward, complicated situation and would appreciate some advice, or any comments.

You see there's this guy (typical lol) who I've known for a while as just an acquaintance, but in the past few months we've gotten to be good friends, well at least that's what I thought. There's a mutual friend though who told me a few weeks back that he thought me and this guy were going out. I told him we weren't, but he told me that he thought the other guy had a thing for me. I didn't really pay much attention to that since we'd been out together just the two of us a few times and he'd never indicated anything of the sort. Then recently I was talking to the mutual friend again and found out that apparently I'd agreed to on a date with the other guy! :eek: Well I was totally surprised and tried thinking back to when this happened. So far I figure it was during an MSN convo, which we tend to have late night/early morn most days, so not exactly when I'm most alert. Anyways I guess it was when I was even more distracted and stressed because it was the last day of school and was sorting stuff out. I vaguely remember agreeing to 'go out' with him to see a film or something, but I thought it literally meant go out rather than go out on a date.

So now I don't know what to do. :frown: I feel really bad because if I just go straight in and clarify the mistake it will be horrible for my friend. On the other hand I could just go on a date with him, but I'm not sure it's a good idea. Either way I think things are going to be weird between us.
Reply 1
ermm sorry but i got alittle confused, which guy did you agree to go out with? the good friend or the other one?

And if you dont like him that way, just tell him that.
Would you like to go on a date with the guy you're good friends with? ie, do you fancy him? want to have a relationship beyond friendship with him? if so, then just go on a date with him... if not, then just go on the impression that he meant go out as friends, and if he does something that indicates that he likes you more than that, just explain to him gently that you appreciate him as a friend etc etc, but don't feel that way about him.

Don't lead him on, just be honest with him. Honesty always = the best policy. Believe me, it's bloody awful if there's a total misunderstanding and you end up in a situation that you really don't want to be in!
Reply 3
Just to clarify I've apparently agreed to go out with the good friend, not the mutual friend.