The Student Room Group

Maths & Philosophy - Bristol, Warwick or York?

The title pretty much says it all, now that I'm an official Oxford rejectee I'm struggling to decide which offers to accept... Obviously I'm not going to pick on the basis of this thread, I have visits planned to all three, and have trawled websites thoroughly. But extra info from those with experience is always good! So the three options (in no particular order) are:

1. Bristol - Msci Maths and Philosophy - Offer:ABB

Has the obvious advantage of being the only 4 year course, and is also a very well structured. The furthest from where I live however, and possibly not as prestigous as Warwick? I also have doubts about my ability to settle into a big city, as well as some worries about crime statistics from the area (was assaulted earlier this year and have no intention of repeating the experience).

2. Warwick - Bsc Maths and Philosophy - Offer: Standard One

Possibly the most prestigous of the three and introduces topics like formal logic earlier, but only being 3 years doesn't develop them as far as Bristol. Campus is near Coventry, a place I am not too keen on, and the offer is the hardest.

3. York - Bsc Maths and Philosophy - Offer: ABB (INCLUDING General Studies!)

While maybe the least prestigous of the three I LOVE the city of York, and it is only a hour and a half drive from where I live. The course leans a little more towards breadth rather than depth on the Philosophy side (from what I can see), and again is only 3 years. Offer is so good that this is definitely at least an insurance.

So that is it basically. I intend to accept either Bristol/Warwick as a Firm and York insurance; or York Firm, Leeds Insurance (don't really want to go here...).

So if anybody knows anything about either side of the course, or about any of the places any extra info would be much appreciated. God this post is waay to long...

Reply 1
I don't really know about maths and philosophy at these places, but I can tell you that there's really no need to be concerned about the levels of crime in Bristol. I live there and walk home on my own from the centre late at night/early hours of the morning all the time and it's fine, even in some of the rougher areas. Yeah there are some violent drunks about in the centre sometimes, but they usually tend to fight each other rather than innocent bystanders. And if you're a student I think a lot of the halls tend to be around Clifton, which is the very upmarket part of bristol where there would be very little violent crime. So yeah, don't let the stats worry you, Bristol is a perfectly nice place that you can feel safe walking about at pretty much any time.
Reply 2
I'm probably going to bristol to do maths and philosophy too :biggrin:
Reply 3
The title pretty much says it all, now that I'm an official Oxford rejectee I'm struggling to decide which offers to accept... Obviously I'm not going to pick on the basis of this thread, I have visits planned to all three, and have trawled websites thoroughly. But extra info from those with experience is always good! So the three options (in no particular order) are:

1. Bristol - Msci Maths and Philosophy - Offer:ABB

Has the obvious advantage of being the only 4 year course, and is also a very well structured. The furthest from where I live however, and possibly not as prestigous as Warwick? I also have doubts about my ability to settle into a big city, as well as some worries about crime statistics from the area (was assaulted earlier this year and have no intention of repeating the experience).

2. Warwick - Bsc Maths and Philosophy - Offer: Standard One

Possibly the most prestigous of the three and introduces topics like formal logic earlier, but only being 3 years doesn't develop them as far as Bristol. Campus is near Coventry, a place I am not too keen on, and the offer is the hardest.

3. York - Bsc Maths and Philosophy - Offer: ABB (INCLUDING General Studies!)

While maybe the least prestigous of the three I LOVE the city of York, and it is only a hour and a half drive from where I live. The course leans a little more towards breadth rather than depth on the Philosophy side (from what I can see), and again is only 3 years. Offer is so good that this is definitely at least an insurance.

So that is it basically. I intend to accept either Bristol/Warwick as a Firm and York insurance; or York Firm, Leeds Insurance (don't really want to go here...).

So if anybody knows anything about either side of the course, or about any of the places any extra info would be much appreciated. God this post is waay to long...


Which way are you leaning career wise?
Reply 4
I haven't the foggiest with regards to careers, all I have considered is possibly Secondary School Maths Teaching.. So basically trying to keep options open. And thank you for the info Popa Dom...
Reply 5
I have a similar predicament. Well, pretty much the same- except I didn't apply to Warwick, I applied to Leeds & Manchester.

I don't know if I'd agree about Warwick being more prestigious than Bristol? I'd have said Bristol was.

York seems safe for an insurance, you'll probably fall in love with one of them once you've visited them all :smile:
Reply 6
I've already fallen in love with York, just need to visit the other two, as I may be the same at one of them! And I applied to Leeds also but I think I'd prefer one of the three I stated, I'm not a fan of Leeds as a city.

And Bristol probably has the edge overall, but Warwick has a particulaly good Maths department which swings it I'd have thought.

But glad to know I'm not the only one applying for this bloody course!
Reply 7
Warwick has the particular mathematical reputation over Bristol. I also live in Bristol and although it is a "crime hotspot" according to the statistics I have not had trouble being mugged since being about 13/14.
Reply 8
I've already fallen in love with York, just need to visit the other two, as I may be the same at one of them! And I applied to Leeds also but I think I'd prefer one of the three I stated, I'm not a fan of Leeds as a city.

And Bristol probably has the edge overall, but Warwick has a particulaly good Maths department which swings it I'd have thought.

But glad to know I'm not the only one applying for this bloody course!

i think if i were u (altho i have no idea what its like to do philosophy) i wud defo put warwick as first and york as insurance choices. i ve been to warwick quite a few times and if u like campus unis then u will defo like warwick!
and also as u said it has great reputation for maths and is ranked higher in league tables which for some emloyers might be important.
and dont worry bout coventry,u wud probably rarely go there! most students live in leamington spa in their second year and they socialise either there or on the campus.
birmigham is also great for shopping and is only half an hour from leam or 15 mins from coventry by train.

and last thing what is the point of having same entry requirements for first and insurance? what happens if u get ABB? will u go to ur first(bristol for example) or to insurance (york)?

personally i didnt apply to warwick cas i thought i wasnt good enough to do straight maths. now i seriously regret it
Reply 9
Bristol is a higher offer (AAB), and if I had York as firm I'd have to have a same offer (ABB) as insurance because it's the lowest offer I got ironically...
If youve fallen in love with York then put that as your frim (assuming you don't change your mind when you've visited the other two).

It is important to have a place you can feel happy in to go to university and not just base it on how good the university is (I mean you probably wouldn't have applied to all these places if they weren't any good to start with would you?)

Personally I wasn't planning on going to York until I visited the university and city. I instantly realised I actually wanted to go there after my visit.

Good luck with wherever you choose to go.
Reply 11
Personally I wasn't planning on going to York until I visited the university and city. I instantly realised I actually wanted to go there after my visit.

There a little bias in there then? lol. But yeah I know what you mean I was dead set on Bristol, then I visited York and it's just a great place. Ah well I'm hoping visits will make things clearer...