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Not herpes but recurring red dots penis glans

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Which kind of cream? Any brand or active ingredient?
Reply 21
You must have misunderstood....i have changed my suggestion/advice!
DO NOT APPLY A CREAM WITH STEROID +/- an antibiotic/antifungal!
Go to a GUM Clinic.
Original post by Rikart
You must have misunderstood....i have changed my suggestion/advice!
DO NOT APPLY A CREAM WITH STEROID +/- an antibiotic/antifungal!
Go to a GUM Clinic.

I have the same problem, it occured first last year when i had rough unprotected sex with my girlfriend, I then used potection all the way until last month when i didn't have a condom on me, it was the same kind of sex and they're back, is it a worry, or friction from rough unprotected sex?
Reply 24
Guys don't panic at all, it's nothing serious to worry about as I had the same thing and still get it now and then. little red spots are a major issue, yes they don't look to Nice to look at and you may have a little bit of inflammation to the forskin as well but it's very common!
I usually get it after having a lot of sex with my partner abd masterbating a lot!

I advice if you do get red spot and start to also get some inflammation too and starts to hurt a little when pulling back forskin then I strongly advice just lay off the sex and masterbating for a little bit and you'll be back to normal before you know it.

Also it may be an allergic reaction to some certain chemicals in the bath and shower soaps/gels you might use so double check that!

Hope this helps anyone
After reading what Dr. Rikart Ethan001 said. I want to share my story. I am currently having the same problem. Had unprotected sex almost 2 months ago. That was my first unprotected sex in my life. Let me clarify. I believe it is not herpes. If I have herpes, it wouldn't take this long to develop symptoms of just small red dots. About a month ago, it was just a few red dots around the lower part of the penis tip, now there are more of them. Not painful, not itchy, the red dots are just there. Most of the red dots are not bright red except one or two dots, just noticeable if exam carefully. Most of the red dots seem to appear and disappear during the past month. However, one or two red dots are always there. I notice that when I am tired, work overtime and not having enough sleep or not eating properly, stress etc. These red dots appears or I get more dots on my penis. I had a busy week last week, today (Sunday), I notice that I have many red dots at the lower part of the penis. Also, I have a little inflammation at a little area on my foreskin. I also have these little inflammations for many years even before I had sex. So, I don't think they are related to the red dots issue. I've never had so many of red dots before. I will keep observing and update my status later on. I hope my comment can help people. Hopefully, they are nothing and I will come back a month or two later to confirm I am still fine. lol
(edited 7 years ago)

Go find a useful hobby. Stop quoting me and other people.
youre correct thrush yeast all correct candida perfect 100% correct hey panick boy this is your Problem listen here only dude with half nrain And yesits an real problem later in lifegets worse low sperm counts all doctors are useless these red dots SUCK big time women get alot of white putrid discharge real bad crap !!!!
Original post by Tom8981
Hi maybe this is an old thread but im replying anyway. I too have had exactly the same problem on and off for nearly 15 years now. I have a real anxiety problem and this adds to it and believe it or not when stressed out your immune system isnt working on all cylinders and allows candida to overgrow (THRUSH) the red dots are typical of a thrush/candida infection painless occasionally itchy but not always I am now on a no sugar diet as this is a yeast type infection which loves sugar and other things like carbohydrates pasta potatoes etc. One of the best ways to kill off candida in to eat a lot of garlic or if preferred garlic pills preferably the soft gel type on a daily basis. Thrush is not harmful just a real nuisance and can also lead to extreme tiredness and depression. Caneston cream does kill it at the area of the spots but it will return because its in your system. It can be really hard to kill off candida and steer clear of anti bionics as these kill off your good bacteria which help to maintain a good balance in your gut where the candida comes from in the first place. Experts now tell us 78% of the worlds population has this problem but most dont talk about it and some dont get symptoms at all. Another thing dont drink alcohol as this will also feed the problem. I know its easy to say but stop panicking it doesnt turn into a life threatening problem. I hope this helps.

perfect 100 % every comment correct but its worse than u think causes stress low sperm count testicular pain , gets much worse when you get older, women have giant white thick discharge , doctors are monkey useless ! yhere is a one of pill that kills it a lottle while u think world is happy normal but soon returns , no knpwn cure PUTRID Ailment
Original post by toollillo
perfect 100 % every comment correct but its worse than u think causes stress low sperm count testicular pain , gets much worse when you get older, women have giant white thick discharge , doctors are monkey useless ! yhere is a one of pill that kills it a lottle while u think world is happy normal but soon returns , no knpwn cure PUTRID Ailment

dont listen to these know it all dildos saying its nothing its a terrible putrid ailment
Stress can be a big contribution towards this.1. Stress2. friction (use lube)3. If you are unwell with say a cold4. Hygiene (keep it clean but at the same time don't overwash as your skin needs its natural oils as well)Been there myself, don't worry :smile:
Hi my penis also have red spots come and goes stressing
Reply 34
If your in the UK there is a new product by a company called child’s farm moisturiser. You can find it in boots and Superdrug etc. It’s in the baby section and is full of lots of natural ingredients. I’ve been having tiny spot rashes on my penis for a couple of years now (fully checked and all clear) but this cream seems to help a lot to calm it down. If your in the states you might be able to buy it online. Hope that helps!
This is by far the most informative and accurate reply on this thread. I too for a couple of years had the exact same thing as posted by the person who started this thread. I didn't have any sti's (was completely checked). It's candida in your system. It would take a good healthy (low sugar/carb) diet, even fasting to get rid of it. I have been searching the last two years for answer and finally have one. Thanks Tom
This is happening to me too I was tested on hav urine test and it was clear but red blotches different sizes too they aren’t even a bump it is mostly under the penis glam close to frenulum
Reply 37
Not to worry. Herpes is painful, blister type rash with liquid in the blister, there is irritation before the blister appears. That's a rash plain and simple and due to friction. Once you get it though, it can reoccur from additional friction, IM experience. Creme it up.
(edited 6 years ago)
I had the same-thing, and was so tired of looking at it and not knowing I went to the doctors... It’s not an STD, balantis, or genitalia psoriasis. It’s caused by fungal and bacteria on your penis.. Can get it from sweaty underwear or just not good hygiene. The doctor will proscribe you lamisil a Antibiotic that will kill the bacteria and fungal. And will resolve in a week… I was so scketched of the red dots and it’s so unfortunate when you look things up it’s all negative instead of the minor things... but I wish the best!
Hi I have a similar problem red dot come up on my penis so was worried got all the tests done after googling the symptoms they tested for everything including herpes tests come back all negative so was over the moon, had now come back again a red dot goes white when I bathe it in salt water any ideas to what it could be