The Student Room Group

Pharmacy Work Experience !!

Hi guys, i feel over the moon now because my local pharmacy rang me up to say that they can offer me work experience for the summer holidays !!

has anyone else got any pharmacy work experience under their belt or has anyone been offered pharmacy work experience for the upcoming holidays??

Please do welcome yourself to this thread and comment !!!

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Reply 1
Original post by James A
Hi guys, i feel over the moon now because my local pharmacy rang me up to say that they can offer me work experience for the summer holidays !!

has anyone else got any pharmacy work experience under their belt or has anyone been offered pharmacy work experience for the upcoming holidays??

Please do welcome yourself to this thread and comment !!!

Well done. What tasks will you perform?
I tried 14 different stores and an industrial pharmacy company but none offered work experience. You must live in a major city.
Reply 2
I was wondering if actually working in a pharmacy counts as work experience, even if I get paid?
Reply 3
Original post by patrickedore
Well done. What tasks will you perform?
I tried 14 different stores and an industrial pharmacy company but none offered work experience. You must live in a major city.

yeah im in north london so thats why xD, just keep on persuing the pharmacies and tell them what you will offer to them and what you expect in return during your work experience. that will show them you are commited

i got kinda lucky with this one placement, loads of applicants applied and the pharmacist reserved a place for me as he knew me for a long while.

im not too sure with the tasks ill be doing , but ill have to confirm that with the guy as ill give him a ring to confirm the arrangements
Reply 4
Original post by Amreet.S
I was wondering if actually working in a pharmacy counts as work experience, even if I get paid?

its worth a lot in your application, money isnt the issue, getting a uni place is, have you been looking into work experience for pharmacy then?

btw ill be working from 9 till 5 on some days throughtout the summer holidays which is the only pitfall
Reply 5
Original post by James A
yeah im in north london so thats why xD, just keep on persuing the pharmacies and tell them what you will offer to them and what you expect in return during your work experience. that will show them you are commited

i got kinda lucky with this one placement, loads of applicants applied and the pharmacist reserved a place for me as he knew me for a long while.

im not too sure with the tasks ill be doing , but ill have to confirm that with the guy as ill give him a ring to confirm the arrangements

Thanks. Lucky londoner :biggrin: Are you applying to Uni's next year? If so, which ones are you considering?
Reply 6
Original post by patrickedore
Thanks. Lucky londoner :biggrin: Are you applying to Uni's next year? If so, which ones are you considering?

yeah next year ill be applying to Huddersfield, UEA, Brighton, Portsmouth and De Montfort, you ???
Reply 7
Original post by James A
yeah next year ill be applying to Huddersfield, UEA, Brighton, Portsmouth and De Montfort, you ???

UEA, brighton, manchester, LSOP and maybe Reading
Reply 8
Original post by patrickedore
UEA, brighton, manchester, LSOP and maybe Reading

yeah , it always makes me wonder why London School of Pharmacy attracts so many people, i mean like, wouldnt you rather go to a university for the meeting of more people perhaps? or is LSOP far less than 9k per year ?
Reply 9
Original post by James A
yeah , it always makes me wonder why London School of Pharmacy attracts so many people, i mean like, wouldnt you rather go to a university for the meeting of more people perhaps? or is LSOP far less than 9k per year ?

I agree, LSOP doesn't have the typical uni experience and lacks the social part. I think it's definitely 9k aswell. I'm applying there because I miss London and my sister graduated from there and had a good experience. I hope to get to Manchester the most, seems to have everything I like.
Reply 10
I wonder why nobody on this site considers Scotland for uni. £45000+ tuition fee debt is a sharp rise from the £6000+ currently in Scotland.
Reply 11
I wonder why nobody on this site considers Scotland for uni. £45000+ tuition fee debt is a sharp rise from the £6000+ currently in Scotland.

I think that might change soon...
Reply 12
Original post by Ultra_Kawii
9K that's a lot of money. I didn't really expect this. I must research on this. Are you sure? I agree it lacks social life, but is a good uni.


What uni's will you apply to?

It is definitely 9K : go on Tuition Fees 2012/13
Reply 13
I'm sorry this is probably going to come across as a bit stupid hah, but I'm assuming you got work experience by ringing them up continuously/ sending a letter?! Not entirely sure, and it probably makes sense to look for a placement that best matches the course your going to do right?! But what if you don't specifically know yet, pharmacy is one of many for me! Thank yooou! All help is appreciated :smile:
Reply 14
Original post by Ultra_Kawii
Aaah yes, I checked it on their website. I think all the uni's most probably will charge 9k.

I'm not sure where I will apply, I'd like to go to a London one. I am considering LSOP.

What about you?

Umm do you happen to know anything about the University London Union. If you do, please visit my thread. I'm kinda confused. Do you know if its true that a person attending a london university can use the facilities of other London unis, or is this a rumor?

Yeah, LSOP and Kings seems like very good places to study pharmacy but there are also a few disadvantages with those universities. So far I think I will apply to UEA, brighton, manchester, LSOP and maybe Reading .
Reply 15
Original post by Ultra_Kawii
Care to share your opinions of the advantages and disadvantages?

Um.. for me kings is too social, I am afraid that I will get tempted to avoid study, therefore I'm not applying.

Oh you're applying to reading, me too. And LSOP. Unsure about the rest.

The ones in italic font apply to LSOP only.

4 Advantages LSOP and Kings:
Excellent graduate employment rates.
London life
U of L facilities

4 Disadvantages:
Only pharmacy students in LSOP
Private accomodation after leaving the university halls can be expensive in London.
Transport in London is expensive.
(edited 13 years ago)
Reply 16
Original post by Ultra_Kawii
yes, I agree with everything that you said. It's a shame LSOP has only pharm students.

Umm do you know any pharm universities that you do not have to pay £9,000 for fees? I've only checked a few. Um portsmouth uni want 8500 which is roughly 9 grand anyway. Also medway want the maximum. =(

cheapest: Huddersfield- £7,950

Ones that doen't mention: Queen's Belfast, Robert Gordon, Strathclyde, Wolverhampton and Ulster.
Original post by James A
yeah im in north london so thats why xD, just keep on persuing the pharmacies and tell them what you will offer to them and what you expect in return during your work experience. that will show them you are commited

i got kinda lucky with this one placement, loads of applicants applied and the pharmacist reserved a place for me as he knew me for a long while.

im not too sure with the tasks ill be doing , but ill have to confirm that with the guy as ill give him a ring to confirm the arrangements

I also live in north london and I really want to do work experience in a phramacy. I have already asked at quite a few phramacies but they have all rejected. So I was wondering at which pharmacy u did ur work experience?? I might go along and ask them if they have any spaces. Thank you :smile:
Reply 18
Original post by lorobolorolo
I also live in north london and I really want to do work experience in a phramacy. I have already asked at quite a few phramacies but they have all rejected. So I was wondering at which pharmacy u did ur work experience?? I might go along and ask them if they have any spaces. Thank you :smile:

The only reason why I got work experience at my local pharmacy was because my mum knew the owner of the shop for long enough, so he said that otherwise I would have been rejected.

I went to one in wood green, you heard of the area?
Original post by James A
The only reason why I got work experience at my local pharmacy was because my mum knew the owner of the shop for long enough, so he said that otherwise I would have been rejected.

I went to one in wood green, you heard of the area?

Ur sooo lucky...i guess it's all about connections nowadays. Anyway I will still keep trying and not give up :smile:. So what are u doing now?? studying a-levels??

Oh yeah i forgot to add that I have heard of woodgreen...i go there nearly everyday because of school.
(edited 12 years ago)

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