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Reply 1
Plenty of fibre, and less of the anal sex (and, to a certain extent, walking on hind limbs...)!
Reply 2
:eek: What are they?? Ouch
tearing of the anus i think. not sure about what to do, but drink lots of water and eat fibrous food.
Reply 4
I think I may have had a fissure at one point, but not for a whilr, it was scary. I think I have piles too, YUCK! but true, lumpy bum now and again
Reply 5
I think I may have had a fissure at one point, but not for a whilr, it was scary. I think I have piles too, YUCK! but true, lumpy bum now and again
How did you get rid?
Reply 6
i think i had one of these the other week. it hurt so much to go to the toilet and kept spotting blood :frown: i just had to wait it out until it healed.
Reply 7
Worst is when you have diarrhea and you go to the toilet so much that the toilet paper causes you to bleed cos of all the friction... lesson here?... USE SUPER SOFT TOILET PAPER!...
Reply 8
I would reccomend you stop getting fisted until they go away.
Reply 9
Reply 10
Piles, they normally just go away but occassionally a little pressure from the hand can help make them dissappear.

Anal fissures, heal after a few days, until less don't force your defication out too hard.
Reply 11
Worst is when you have diarrhea and you go to the toilet so much that the toilet paper causes you to bleed cos of all the friction... lesson here?... USE SUPER SOFT TOILET PAPER!...
baby wipes :smile:
Reply 12
I would reccomend you stop getting fisted until they go away.

I would reccomend you grow up :redface: The thread starter (OP?) :confused: obviously wanted HELPFUL ADVICE not sarcastic, sexual inuendos.
Anyways, just try drinking lots of water and maybe try not to go to the toilet as often - I know it's hard but it might help it all heal up properly :frown:
Reply 13
I'm so worried this isn't going to go away. Will I ever have a normal sex life? :frown:
Reply 14
I'm so worried this isn't going to go away. Will I ever have a normal sex life? :frown:

You call getting yourself into this situation normal?
Reply 15
I'm so worried this isn't going to go away. Will I ever have a normal sex life? :frown:

well try having a normal one for a change and avoid using your ass for an entry.
baby wipes :smile:

Lol surely they would sting?.... *shudder*

And secondly, if the lad wants to have sex with his partner through the backdoor, leave him be, he isn't harming you.

He could have actually done it by having a very large bowel movement, so you never know.

Jumping to conclusions, honestly.... :tongue:
Reply 17
Lol surely they would sting?.... *shudder*

And secondly, if the lad wants to have sex with his partner through the backdoor, leave him be, he isn't harming you.

He could have actually done it by having a very large bowel movement, so you never know.

Jumping to conclusions, honestly.... :tongue:

nope - made for babies for a reaosn!

or if in doubt then just use the moistured toilet tissue
Reply 18
I would reccomend you grow up :redface: The thread starter (OP?) :confused: obviously wanted HELPFUL ADVICE not sarcastic, sexual inuendos.

People always appreciate smutty innuendo in response to any personal problem. Don't they?
Reply 19
I honestly think you are making this crap up. Get a life.