Often, many of the people who live in this sort of postcode will be families and single parents living in council flats. These are known as type 52 in the ACORN classification and 0.86% of the UK’s population live in this type.
In addition to Glasgow, neighbourhoods fitting this profile are found in West Dunbartonshire, Dundee, Aberdeen and Edinburgh. Here is an overview of the likely preferences and features of your neighbourhood:
Family income Low
Interest in current affairs Low
Housing - with mortgage Very low
Educated - to degree Very low
Couples with children Low
Have satellite TV Low
This type is really only found in significant numbers in Scotland and, in particular, Glasgow.
The vast majority of people live in purpose built flats, including traditional Scottish tenements. They are small one or two bedroom properties, and will be almost exclusively rented from the council or housing associations.
The population is young and there are many school age children with young parents. The level of single parents is one of the highest in the country at 21%. With such young families, many women are fully occupied looking after their children. Unemployment levels are high, with many long-term unemployed. Those that are working are in routine factory, manual or retail occupations, and overall income levels are amongst the lowest in the country. They have to consider their budgets when shopping for food, and retailers such as Aldi and Kwik Save are where they choose to go. They also buy a lot of mail order goods from the traditional catalogue companies, so that they can spread their payments.
With the limited money they are likely to have left, they will occasionally relax by going to the pub or a nightclub for a drink, going to bingo or placing a bet. Their most popular paper is the Scottish Daily Record, followed by The Sun and News of the World.
TV is important to many and cable TV is popular. Otherwise, for many, their interest in their local football team is one of the things that matters most to them.
Sounds about right; basically predominantly white council estate. Very unusual for a London council estate (they tend to be a far greater mix of ethnicities), and even more unusual for Surrey, which is I guess why they keep banging on about Scotland in it. But yeah, like I said, sounds fairly close.