The Student Room Group

Help: The TV screen has a red tint to it!


I connected my computer to the television so that I could watch movies on it. I had to make a few changes to the television settings (e.g. the av connections).

Once I finished I changed the settings back to what they were. The television was fine for a while but now programs all have a red tint to them. I have tried adjusting the settings but this doesn’t seem to do much.

I was hoping someone here would know what I need to do in order to fix this?

K xx
Reply 1
I bought a TV from a shops a little while back, and it was fine for about a month then there was a wierd noise then the screen had a red tint to it. So, I took it back to the shop and a very geeky shop guy said that when a TV has a red tint to the screen it means that some of the cathode ray tubes have leaked and ruptured or something i.e. it's nackered! So I had a replacement.

I don't know if this is whats wrong with yours? Does the red tint look as if its the TV colour settings or does it has a more "electronic issue" sort of look??
Reply 2

I connected my computer to the television so that I could watch movies on it. I had to make a few changes to the television settings (e.g. the av connections).

Once I finished I changed the settings back to what they were. The television was fine for a while but now programs all have a red tint to them. I have tried adjusting the settings but this doesn’t seem to do much.

I was hoping someone here would know what I need to do in order to fix this?

K xx
In my experience, whenever a TV or any kind of screen has a certain colour tint to it .i.e. Red, Green or Blue; It usually means there is a magnet of magnetic field close - by that is distorting the colours in the TV "tube".. I suggest you check the surroundings of the TV and make sure there are no speakers, Amps or any magnetic equipment close - by...
Hope this helps...

P.S: This is just a suggestion and not a Solution.. I might be wrong...
Reply 3
You could try to see if there is interference around the TV, however I doubt that that is the issue.

It is a coincidence that the computer was hooked up to the TV and then it broke. Prehaps the TV couldn't take the computers input, however I don't think it would cause the TV to turn red??

(P.S. I know nothing about the internal workings of TV's, just educated guessin)
Reply 4
Thanks for the help!
I don't know if this is whats wrong with yours? Does the red tint look as if its the TV colour settings or does it has a more "electronic issue" sort of look??
It happened before when I was connecting my computer to the television but my brother managed to fix it. (But his not here now :frown: ) So I'm guessing its something to do with the settings or connections.
In my experience, whenever a TV or any kind of screen has a certain colour tint to it .i.e. Red, Green or Blue; It usually means there is a magnet of magnetic field close - by that is distorting the colours in the TV "tube".. I suggest you check the surroundings of the TV and make sure there are no speakers, Amps or any magnetic equipment close - by...
I've checked and there doesn't seem to be anything around the television that could be causing a magnetic field.
You switched something from PAL --> RGB or the other way around?
Reply 6
must be some kind of colour setting then, just try going through the menus and use the trial and error technique..
Reply 7
You switched something from PAL --> RGB or the other way around?
I think I switched it from PAL to RBG when I was trying to connect the computer to the television. But me being me, I can't remember where in the menu options I made the change. I thought it was in AV connections but it's not. Do you know what it would be listed under in the menu options? :confused:
Reply 8
No, because all TV's have different menu options?? Name ur TV model and manufac and someone may have the same. But I doubt it.

Try all the buttons on the remote, try settings, I know its under TV-Picture on mine but....???
Reply 9
You switched something from PAL --> RGB or the other way around?
hmm.. very intelligent suggestion :smile: that might be it.. sounds good to me anyways...
Reply 10
I guess I'll have to sit down and have a look through all the options in the menu. Thanks for al the help everyone.
Reply 11
I guess I'll have to sit down and have a look through all the options in the menu. Thanks for al the help everyone.
You are very welcome :smile: hope you manage to get it sorted :wink: